The weekend is over and yes, the fried chicken flew to the table but the light turned on, the table is empty, and I do not hear any kikimory squeaking.
Zelensky admitted that the Azov was incorporated into the Ukrainian army and has been shelling the Donbass. A Jewish president supporting self-proclaimed Nazis? But he did. Also, I did not see any Ukrainian police trying to stop the Bandera parade.
That has been 8 years of shelling the Donbass, more than 13,000 deaths, and I read in the news that Zelensky was building up for a new wave of attacks. So how would I feel if the US army was shelling my State?
I also found the interview, with Tulsi Gabbard, very informative, too.

I was already convinced that the west was attempting a regime change for Russia. Now I am also convinced that the Bandera are operating freely in Ukraine. So if Putin's military operation will bring an end to the bloodshed, in eastern Ukraine, then it may be worth the destruction. Politics is obviously a major part of the real world that we live in. So it is not always right or wrong but to choose the lesser of two evils and just let Raskolnikov punish himself.