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Thread: Jewish genocide against Russia, Ukraine..........

  1. #41
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    Whoever said Hitler killed 30 million Russians? Can't believe that for one moment. Not that I'm an apologist, but that's far too much.
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  2. #42
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    I didn't say Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler, I said he was more effective at it.

    I wonder where you guys think all this brainwashing takes place. In school so much attention was focused on Hitler's crimes that those of Stalin barely got a footnote. Since the US was allied with Stalin, no one was eager to say he was as bad as Hitler. And those on the political Left in Western Europe and the US bent over backward to make excuses for that regime. Every American kid knows what Hitler was and what he did, I'd be embarrassed to find out how many even know who Stalin was.

    According to some of the "ideas" floated in this forum, the Jews control the Western media and are brainwashing Americans against Stalin (for what purpose?), but wait, Bolshevism itself was a Jewish attack against Christians! So I guess the Jews didn't get their act together on this one....

    It boggles my mind why any Russian would want to defend Stalin. Forced collectivization, politically induced famine, resettlement of ethnicities, the purges, the gulag, the decapitation of the Red Army before WWII, his refusal to believe that Hitler would attack or prepare adequately for it. ...And even after the bravery and sacrifice of the Russian army and people bailed him out, how did he repay returning Soviet soldiers?? Russia won WWII in spite of Stalin, not because of him. We all know what even Lenin thought of him.

    All this is well-documented for anyone who cares to know. I guess the books of Conquest, Radzinsky, Getty, etc. are all just brain-washing Jewish propaganda??

  3. #43
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Whoever said Hitler killed 30 million Russians? Can't believe that for one moment. Not that I'm an apologist, but that's far too much.
    ".....В ходе исследований этим коллективом, состоящим из представителей Госкомстата СССР, Академии наук СССР, Министерства обороны. Главного архивного управления при Совете Министров СССР, Советского комитета ветеранов войны. Союза обществ Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца, были уточнены категории людских потерь, произведена оценка полноты данных о населении страны в 30–40–е годы, внесены потери в расчеты количества населения на начало и на конец Великой Отечественной войны, выверены по архивным источникам имевшиеся оценки отдельных потерь.

    В результате проделанной работы людские потери Советского Союза во время Великой Отечественной войны, высчитанные методом демографического баланса, были оценены в 27 млн. человек, в том числе потери военнослужащих Вооруженных Сил — 8 700 тыс. человек. "
    Look here
    After this all BS about Holocost looks like an egregious lie. And they make money on it.
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Whoever said Hitler killed 30 million Russians? Can't believe that for one moment. Not that I'm an apologist, but that's far too much.
    ".....В ходе исследований этим коллективом, состоящим из представителей Госкомстата СССР, Академии наук СССР, Министерства обороны. Главного архивного управления при Совете Министров СССР, Советского комитета ветеранов войны. Союза обществ Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца, были уточнены категории людских потерь, произведена оценка полноты данных о населении страны в 30–40–е годы, внесены потери в расчеты количества населения на начало и на конец Великой Отечественной войны, выверены по архивным источникам имевшиеся оценки отдельных потерь.

    В результате проделанной работы людские потери Советского Союза во время Великой Отечественной войны, высчитанные методом демографического баланса, были оценены в 27 млн. человек, в том числе потери военнослужащих Вооруженных Сил — 8 700 тыс. человек. "
    Look here
    After this all BS about Holocost looks like an egregious lie. And they make money on it.
    Интересно, здесь есть кто-нибудь из русских (украинцев, белорусов, казахов, азербайджанцев...) у кого дед на на войне не погиб? Мои - оба. Один под Москвой, другой - под Курском.

  5. #45
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    Since my messages are being deleted in this thread without leaving a trace, I am not going to participate in this discussion. I would still suggest that the wise guys like begemot read books that derive their data from verifiable sources rather than baloney falsifications.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  6. #46
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    After this all BS about Holocost looks like an egregious lie. And they make money on it.
    What does this mean? Who is 'they' and what is the 'BS'?
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  7. #47
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    I can take a lot, but when people start denying the holocaust, I'm off. I'm no Jew, but I know Jews who've lost their (grand)parents in Auschwitz, and you're not going to tell me that all of them are lying (and that it's all some big world-wide Jewish conspiracy). Incidentally, that's another thing that pisses me off, conspirationalists.

    Have a good discussion.
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  8. #48
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    verifiable sources

    suggest that the wise guys like begemot read books that derive their data from verifiable sources rather than baloney falsifications.
    What would recommend, BM, the Краткий Курс?

    I saw and enjoyed your rant before it was deleted. If you take the time to abuse me again, could you please do it in Russian? I'm trying to learn.

  9. #49
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    Re: verifiable sources

    Quote Originally Posted by begemot
    What would recommend, BM, the Краткий Курс?
    That would be a huge step forward for you. Anything is a step forward compared to your rectal literature.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  10. #50
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    OK, I just returned to this forum just to find anti-Semitism! WTF is wrong here?! Where are the mods to close these kind of threads down and BAN the stupid f*cks who post such BS? Racism sucks! Racism has no place at masterrussian IMO. I am sorry to see the mods don't seem to agree.
    "мужчина в самом рассвете сил"

  11. #51
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    There are no mods as of now besides MasterAdmin, who ultimately gets to decide what is proper content for his site anyway. However, please do note that the forum is undergoing a maintenance and most posts made during this maintenance will be deleted. After the maintenance is done, I think it's safe to say that all the recent flamewars that have been popping up will be regulated a bit more. What is with all the flamewars going on lately, anyway?

  12. #52
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    Hey, without Russian Jews, we wouldn't have Fiddler On the Roof:P

  13. #53
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander
    Интересно, здесь есть кто-нибудь из русских (украинцев, белорусов, казахов, азербайджанцев...) у кого дед на на войне не погиб? Мои - оба. Один под Москвой, другой - под Курском.
    My grandma lost 2 brothers in that war. Her third brother had dead some years after the war becouse of his wounds.
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  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by joysof
    What does this mean? Who is 'they' and what is the 'BS'?
    BS mean bullsh#t. "They" means "jews".
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by joysof
    What does this mean? Who is 'they' and what is the 'BS'?
    BS mean bullsh#t. "They" means "jews".
    Really? Which Jews? Jerry Seinfeld, Woody Allen and the Weinsteins? Einstein, perhaps, or Disraeli? Or me? I don't think I've ever made any money whatsoever out of the Holocaust. Lost two family members though. Perhaps the cheque's in the post.

    I am becoming increasingly fed up of scattergun anti-Semitism on this forum. It's even more galling when it comes from someone who is here regularly: I can dismiss the wandering nuts from my mind much more swiftly than I can you.
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  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by joysof
    I am becoming increasingly fed up of scattergun anti-Semitism on this forum. It's even more galling when it comes from someone who is here regularly: I can dismiss the wandering nuts from my mind much more swiftly than I can you.
    joysof, I do not think there is real anti-Semitism here. Nobody is denying the Holocaust. What is being told is that the Holocaust, while significant in itself, is smaller in the scale than the "asystemic extermination" the Nazis were practicing in the USSR. What is being told also is that the Jews have been able to use the fact (the fact, which is not disputed!) of Holocaust very favourably politically, unlike the Russians/Ukrainians/Byelorussians/etc, and there is a conflict between these two facts.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners

    joysof, I do not think there is real anti-Semitism here.
    I hope you're right. Taken together, however, I find JJ's posts here anti-Semitic in sentiment.
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  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by joysof
    I find JJ's posts here anti-Semitic in sentiment.
    You didn't get right what i said. I just want to say that becouse of the Holocaust "advertising" everybody forget 27 mln (see what Jasper wrote:"Whoever said Hitler killed 30 million Russians?") russians, ukrainians, belorussians, tatars, jews, etc. from the USSR. And after all u call me as "anti-Semit". Moreover I don't feel hatred against germans and jews in spite of the fact that Adolf Shekelgruber (Hitler) killed 3 of my relatives and he was a jew.
    Gib immer 100% bei der Arbeit: 12% am Montag, 23% am Dienstag, 40% am Mittwoch, 20% am Donnerstag, 5% am Freitag ...

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by joysof
    I find JJ's posts here anti-Semitic in sentiment.
    You didn't get right what i said.
    I think, then, that you expressed it badly. Have read it four time and still find it offensive (and, more importantly, just plain wrong).

    Moreover I don't feel hatred against germans and jews in spite of the fact that Adolf Shekelgruber (Hitler) killed 3 of my relatives and he was a jew.
    Not true. Urban myth. Had some - not much - Jewish ancestry.

    I just want to say that becouse of the Holocaust "advertising" everybody forget 27 mln (see what Jasper wrote:"Whoever said Hitler killed 30 million Russians?") russians, ukrainians, belorussians, tatars, jews, etc. from the USSR.
    This is the bit I'd like you to explain. Which ''advertising'' and by whom?
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  20. #60
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    Q: Was Hitler part Jewish?
    A: (short answer) Maybe, and what difference does it make?

    If my family gets killed by our neighbor in a fit of rage over surveyers boundries, and your family gets killed by a serial killer who offed 5 other families, we have both suffered essentially the same loss. Your pain does not diminish mine or vice versa.

    It is not the Jewish people's fault the losses in the Soviet Union are not as publicized as the Holocaust. If you want to blame someone blame the Soviet leadership that notoriously fudged figures. Or the Allies who didn't take heed of Soviet suffering or assign the USSR the same level of heroism they did more Western nations. Anyway, Jewish people died right along side ethnic Russians, Bielorussians, Tatars, и.т.д. in the USSR.

    I don't see how it is possible to blame Holocaust historians and activists for wanting the world to know about what happened in the concentration camps during WWII; after all, many of you here are saying that you wish your own suffering was as notorious. So instead of getting into a who-suffered-more contest, perhaps it would be better to simply educate people about the USSR's travails? One suffering does not cancel out or diminish the other; it is possible to feel sympathy and horror at more than one event. Historians often (although not often enough, honestly) point out that the activities Nanking rival the worsts atrocities of the Nazis, but they do not say "therefore we should ignore the concentration camps in Europe and focus only on Nanking," they say "we should study Nanking in addition to the events in Europe."

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