Quote Originally Posted by joysof
I think, then, that you expressed it badly. Have read it four time and still find it offensive (and, more importantly, just plain wrong).
You may think what you think but there are no arguments in it. This is a such dialog like "you're stupid idiot - no, you're stupid idiot".

Not true. Urban myth. Had some - not much - Jewish ancestry.
I saw the movie about it made by BBC or Themes television. It was a year or a couple of years ago.

This is the bit I'd like you to explain. Which ''advertising'' and by whom?
Ok, try to do this:
go to the real democratic resource www.yahoo.com
type "Holocaust victims" and you'll get 623,000 results
then type "WWII victims" and you'll get 264,000 results
then type "USSR victims in WWII" and you'll get only 23,800 results.
So, isn't it a Holocaust advertising? Don't forget that USSR lost 27 million people and it mentions almost 30 times rarely than Holocaust. The Holocaust victims mention more often than all victims that awful war.
I don't know to whom it is profitable but the facts....