- 44 Cannon, I don't get it. How can social welfare be evil?
DEPENDENCY, which I suspect you are referring to ( and correct me if I am wrong ), one, has negative affects on the overall lifestyle of people, where they are unwilling to get out and fend for themselves, carry their own weight etc. creating further poverty by being weight on others. Their is also a major psychological issue which will be to long and drawn out to get in to. 2, it opens all kinds of doors for corruption.
In America ( and many European countries ) politicians use programs for pampering citizens as a miens of bribery for votes. In a sense, it turns the election systems in to auctions, where people will vote for those who will give them the most freebees.

44Canon, have you never considered the remote possibility that the media appears one-sided to you because you views are, to put it mildly, extreme/ unrepresentative/ unusual/ absurd [delete as appropriate]?
Once again, you only told me that I am an idiot, and put nothing behind your statements to back them up, which is becoming a routine with you. It's also a common symptom of being brainwashed ( strong views without reason behind them.
The mainstream media goes against a large portion of what I stand for, and the vast majority of major issues.
Anyway, explain exactly what makes my views extreme and absurd, why and how.