Now, just to send a little bit of love Fox's way, what with my recent Sean Hannity-bashing, I'd like to admit publically: I like Bill O'Reilly.

Oh, I know.

But there's something about watching him gleefully hang up on callers that warms my heart a bit. Now there is a man who is filled with this vague and undefined petty bitterness, and is putting it to good use: being a jerk to idiots who call in to his TV show.

There's an Al Franken quote that I like, where he's talking about O'Reilly. I don't remember exactly how it goes, but it's something like, "I sometimes find myself agreeing with Bill, like when he says the government should stay out of our bedrooms, or when I'm drunk." Which pretty much sums up the way I feel about O'Reilly. That, and it makes me giggle when he yells at Fundies who call in and start complaining about Catholics. My favorite one was when there was a segment about a Church scandal, and this call-in ass was all "bleeh bleeh bleeh it's not just the bad administrators and priests that are a problem but that all Catholics are evil don't you think blah blah" and O'Reilly was like, "DID YOU NOT NOTICE THE 'O-APOSTROPHE' IN MY NAME, IDIOT?"

Hee hee hee.

You're looking out for me, Bill. Me and all the other hyper-irritable people in this world.