Really, hardly that shout - " hordes of bolsheviks ". These hordes were than that are armed. And they probably also did not know, that right at the beginning of war from the western part of Russia have transported to Ural and the Far East hundreds, if not thousand enterprises (including the big factories). For example in Omsk (Siberia) before war there were 2-3 factories, after the beginning of war there have transported some tens factories which have started to work after have made the base and have mounted the equipment (only then gradually put walls and a roof). And all this was done{made} in the winter, I hope a word "Siberia" to you something speaks? On the days off at us showed documentary film about assault planes " Silts - 2 ". Germans named them " black death ". For war it has been let out{it has been released} about 40000 pieces. At Germans the similar plane was. For all time of war they have let out{have released} less thousand. Or for example a jet mortar "Katusha". Germans have attacked the USSR on June, 22, 1941, and in November, 1941 at them the seized efficient copy together with a stock of rockets already was. But to repeat manufacturing techniques of rockets they and could not. Have made " similar analogue ", a mortar which was much less effective. And so in many respects. Already to the middle of war Russian industry surpassed in manufacture of the weapon German.Originally Posted by Dima
But it is always easier to shout " hordes red have captivated the ground of a thousand-year Reich ".