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Thread: Explosion in Minsk - what happened?

  1. #1

    Explosion in Minsk - what happened?

    I read something brief about explosions in the underground, in Minsk.
    Does anyone know what it was about; who did it, and why?

  2. #2
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    Western special services did it. They want to destabilize the situation in Belorussia, to encourage Belorussian people against their government because it is in alliance with Russia and collaborates with Russia. Ханна, можно я буду отвечать по-русски?

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Explosion in Minsk - what happened?
    As Putin would say: "It exploded."

    Belorussian authorities said they already arrested guys who did it according to stationary camera records. All the rest is an intensive conspirology.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    Ханна, можно я буду отвечать по-русски?
    Да пожалуйста Мне интересоваться об этом.

  5. #5
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    Да пожалуйста Мне интересоваться об этом.
    Да, пожалуйста. Мне это интересно или я интересуюсь этим.
    А чем "этим" вы интересуетесь? Я не очень понял, вы интересуетесь терактом или языком.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    Western special services did it. They want to destabilize the situation in Belorussia, to encourage Belorussian people against their government because it is in alliance with Russia and collaborates with Russia. Ханна, можно я буду отвечать по-русски?
    Could you share with us the way 'western special services' can possibly get into that country? And also, how did 'those agents' manage to suddenly become their local turner and electrician? Or you disagree with the official version of their authorities? If so, that's a real surprise...
    PAULO JAN likes this.

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Касаемо теракта. Тайна, ёлки, покрытая мраком. Задержали там каких-то подозреваемых, но не пойму я, хоть убей, зачем даже душевнобольным взрывать белорусов. Вот не пойму, и всё. Да, я понимаю, что задержанные по делу о теракте уже признали свою вину, а также сознались в убийстве JFK и много в чём ещё. Вот только людей жаль. Они-то почему погибли? Кому они помешали?
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  8. #8
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    Could you share with us the way 'western special services' can possibly get into that country?
    При их финансовых возможностях и при сравнительной открытости и слабости Белоруссии это сделать не очень трудно. Советские шпионы проникли в тайны создаваемого в США ядерного оружия, чему после этого ещё можно удивляться?
    And also, how did 'those agents' manage to suddenly become their local turner and electrician? Or you disagree with the official version of their authorities? If so, that's a real surprise...
    Я боюсь, что Лукашенко просто нашёл крайних и выбил из них признания, хотя всё может быть. По большому счёту не важно, кто исполнитель, важно, кто заказчик и каковы его цели, а здесь у меня сомнений нет.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    сравнительной открытости и слабости Белоруссии
    I thought it was one of the most closed countries ever. No one in, no one out...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    По большому счёту не важно, кто исполнитель, важно, кто заказчик и каковы его цели, а здесь у меня сомнений нет.
    Then what are the links between those "customers" and those two poor "executors", in your opinion?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    I thought it was one of the most closed countries ever. No one in, no one out...
    Wherever did u get that idea? Just today, I recieved my visa for Belarus. I'll go there in two weeks. That's why I was asking about the explosion.

    They seem really keen on tourism, just not according to the to the standard European model.
    Actually, a visa to Russia is not entirely uncomplicated or fast, but a visa for Belarus is simple. Took me under 24 hours. The embassy staff was super friendly, despite the fact that I had accidentally filled in the wrong form for my application.

    I'll let you know if I see any spies or dictators.... or tractors, lol!

    But my reason for going is because it's a very safe Russian-speaking country (I am a woman, and travelling alone) it has really lovely nature, interesting culture & history + historic places. I know I'll be forced to speak Russian there - baptism of fire!! Happy to write a report, if anyone is interested.

    I just don't understand how much people speak Belarussian, as opposed to Russian; and what language signs etc are in. For my own purposes.... I hope they don't speak Belarussian much, it would really confuse me.

  11. #11
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    I thought it was one of the most closed countries ever. No one in, no one out...
    Вы неправильно думали. Белорусы спокойно ездят по всему миру, если деньги есть, а в Белоруссию поехать гораздо легче, чем в США, например.
    Then what are the links between those "customers" and those two poor "executors", in your opinion?
    Не знаю, меня это не волнует.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Wherever did u get that idea? Just today, I recieved my visa for Belarus. I'll go there in two weeks. That's why I was asking about the explosion.

    They seem really keen on tourism, just not according to the to the standard European model.
    Actually, a visa to Russia is not entirely uncomplicated or fast, but a visa for Belarus is simple. Took me under 24 hours. The embassy staff was super friendly, despite the fact that I had accidentally filled in the wrong form for my application.

    I'll let you know if I see any spies or dictators.... or tractors, lol!

    But my reason for going is because it's a very safe Russian-speaking country (I am a woman, and travelling alone) it has really lovely nature, interesting culture & history + historic places. I know I'll be forced to speak Russian there - baptism of fire!! Happy to write a report, if anyone is interested.

    I just don't understand how much people speak Belarussian, as opposed to Russian; and what language signs etc are in. For my own purposes.... I hope they don't speak Belarussian much, it would really confuse me.
    Well, I hope you do realize, at least you can't expect anyone there to speak English. Here's an article which I think would be useful for you to read:

    The Art of Non-Conformity

    Don't pay much attention to what the link says, the article's actually about how an American was getting a Belarusian visa.

    And sure, I'll look forward to your report on your trip there. I guess so will many of us.

  13. #13
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    В городах говорят на стандартном русском языке, в деревнях - на различных диалектах, которые можно отнести к русскому или белорусскому языкам. Часто их говор называют трясанкой. Русский язык постепенно вытесняет все говоры.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    В городах говорят на стандартном русском языке, в деревнях - на различных диалектах, которые можно отнести к русскому или белорусскому языкам. Часто их говор называют трясанкой. Русский язык постепенно вытесняет все говоры.

    It's a Russian/Belarusian mix, like "суржик" is a Russian/Ukrainian mix.

  15. #15
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    I read something brief about explosions in the underground, in Minsk.
    Does anyone know what it was about; who did it, and why?
    Почему так расставлены знаки препинания?

  16. #16
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    Почему так расставлены знаки препинания?
    Это вопрос для раздела: Learn English - Грамматика, переводы, словарный запас
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  17. #17
    Yes, punctuation is different between Russian and English. Russian doesn't use commas sometimes, where English would. Sometimes it uses commas where English would not..

    I decided to leave this for later. People understand, even if the commas are not in the right place.

    You should be aware that a lot of native English speakers are really bad at English grammar and make mistakes when writing. Also, lots of people use English as a second language (like me, for example, and bitpicker on this forum).
    Their English may be very good, but not 100% perfect.

  18. #18
    Подающий надежды оратор PAULO JAN's Avatar
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    I am looking forward for your impressions about Belarus...please don't forget to share here.

  19. #19
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Some signs are in Belorussian, some are in Russian, but since the languages are very similar you shouldn't have problems understanding them. Everyone can speak Russian, even if Belarussian is their native language, but for majority native language is Russian.
    About safety, I have to confirm that - from my experience the police are very friendly and uncorrupt compairing to Russia. Modern Belorussia reminds me USSR how it was in early 80, the good side of it.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  20. #20
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    It took 3 days to arrest the first suspects. I wish FSB worked that good.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

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