Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
"Those who don't steal aren't afraid of police patrols. " No matter what, anti-missile systems are very good, and hopefully they spread everywhere in massive numbers. While on the other side of it, humanity has to find a way to get rid of ALL nuclear weapons any country possesses, completely once and for all. Let the dumba**es shout out loud and dick measure (I believe that's what they call "politics"), but without that nuclear stuff.
Putin is not as naive as you might imagine to be lulled and mesmerized by such "soothing" lullabies of the West.))

“Sometimes I wonder, maybe the bear should just sit quietly, munch on berries and honey rather than chasing after piglets, maybe then, they would leave it alone? But no, they wouldn’t, because they will always try to chain it up. And as soon as they chain it up, they will pull out its teeth and claws.”

By teeth and claws, Putin said he meant Russia’s nuclear weapons. The west was circling round to destroy Russia, so it could steal its natural resources, he continued. “Once they’ve taken out his claws and his teeth, then the bear is no longer necessary. He’ll become a stuffed animal.”

Putin: I feel no responsibility for collapse of rouble | World news | The Guardian