It's amazing!
It's amazing!
Last edited by Lampada; September 14th, 2011 at 02:19 PM.
Huh?Egypt's Vice President Omar Suleiman said on Friday that Mubarak had bowed to pressure from the street and had resigned, handing power to the army, he said in a televised statement.![]()
Do you mind to share your opinion about Egypt? I mean, whenever the US needed a place for Israel and Palestine to sign their so-called 'peace accord', the US chose Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh and Hosni Mubarak was a host. Up until now I was kind of thinking you supported the official US foreign policy. Was I mistaken?
do you have a link?
Кому - нары, кому - Канары.
I definitely agree with Lampada on that. I can only say "F*ck dictators of any kind!!!" I think 30 years of imprisonment for the whole nation is more than enough. I also think though, there's still much work to do in this direction, but Tunisia and Egypt have provided a good start for that. There're still several dozens of dictatorships in the world, and I hope they'll all face what the dictatorships of those two countries faced.
Do you mean something like that? Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do not mean to confuse you, but isn't Obama also a politician? Or, do you mean, you perceive the politics the same way Obama does? You see, by mentioning you can't stop crying with joy, that's kind of saying you're somewhat political. At least, you have some opinion about Egypt, something that makes you crying with joy. All I asked, do you mind to share it? I promise, I won't bite ...![]()
Рад того, что семьи погибших не почувствуются, что их детей умерли зря.
Кому - нары, кому - Канары.
" ...Some Israelis regard Egypt as the most anti-Semitic country in the entire Middle East. ..." ( HonestReporting ) This is sad.
No, I did not have any opinion about Egypt, did not know what was going on over there.
Скажи это им. Ни один сраный переворот или революция не стоит и одной человеческой жизни. Ну, может быть, кроме жизни диктатора, его пусть убивают на здоровье - он знал на какие риски шёл. К сожалению, обычно бывает с точностью до наоборот.
Edit: А с другой стороны правильно, ануевонах. Свобода или смерть. Patria o muerte. Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado. Лучше умереть стоя. Пойду брошусь под кортеж Чубайса.
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
No revolution happens without a cost. I can only hope they wouldn't have to pay much. Such events are usually followed by inflation, worsening of peoples' lives. Famine and civil war is also possible. So I don't see how can one be filled with joy. The Egyptians have a very difficult time ahead and we can only hope they will manage that without turning into another Somali or Sudan. Freedom (and illusional one like Europeans or Americans have) is a little thing compared to what's in store for the Egypt in the future. I just hope they won't regret the choice they've just made.
Send me a PM if you need me.
Good for them and good luck. Whatever political system they want is fine by me... Good riddance Mubarak. I had actually not realised that Egypt was a military dictatorship for 30 years. Interesting co-incidence that he stepped down on the exact same day as the anniversary of the revolution in Iran.
Like a few others have expressed here, I am just hoping that the new Egypt does not decide to start any aggression against Israel.
"Швейцарский национальный банк сообщает, что вкладчик Хосни Мубарак хранит там около четырех миллиардов долларов."
Его надо посадить.
Кому - нары, кому - Канары.
So Egypt is free from tourists, free from their money...
Семь бед, один Reset
My word, how disgusting. In a righteous world, the banks would give up the money and set it up in a fund to spend on healthcare, education and infrastructure in Egypt - that's what it should have been spent on in the first place! No national leader has the right to get rich while in office.
I actually didn't know the details about Mubarak and his rule but over the last few days I have gathered that this is one of the more peaceful examples of US foreign policy at work. 30 years these people have been ripped off by this despot, and lived under martial law! How long is it going to be until American people get fed up with these kinds of regimes being supported in their names!
Revolution? Ha-ha. I will see what you do, when new Islamic government will get nuclear weapons.
It is good to say "revolution", "free Egypt" when you are sitting on the other side of globe.
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