Russian 14... you are the one who doesn't seem to understand that:

1. Anyone with a FaceBook account or using any sort of Android product has already given up on their privacy long ago. We sold our souls to the devils on those technologies and they know more about us than our own families do and ever will. "Here, want a great calendar App that will help organize your life and your families too?... Wonderful, now we know all of your doctors appointments, that little Suzi does tumbling, and little Jimmy plays the trombone, and you had your mammogram done last week and that two weeks from now you plan on divorcing your hubby and he doesn't know it yet."

2. Children today know from early school age that you in order to obtain any sort of account, be it a school based IT account or a job, you must sign a Computer and Internet Use Policy Form. Once you sign that form, your emails, web movement, anything electronic at work/school is no longer private. Every key stroke and document is recorded and stored and can be reviewed at anytime without your permission.

So, it is not a case where Mr. Snowden brought to light anything really new or different about what is already happening in our society. We are not oblivious to it. Maybe you just randomly click on TOS agreements or sign legal contacts and policies. Maybe it is you who has been oblivious to it all and that is why you are so upset over all of this?

Oh and Russian 14... I can write this post and have a passionate debate all without resorting to name calling and maybe that is part of the reason Lampada liked my post....hmmmm?