I am glad that you respect my views on something at least, Croc (i.e. languages).
But I maintain that politics is a subjective thing and it's almost impossible to say who is right or wrong. There are so many factors that play in.

For example, the politics that would "work" in one smaller European country for example, might be completely useless in a very big country, like Russia or the USA. That way, I could be right in what I am saying, and a Russian or American person could also be right at the same time.

And you can quote Lenin as much as you want; I think it's interesting (I hardly know anything about him), and I remember that you have already written that he had many worthwhile things to say. I am aware of your philosophy that all comments should be supported by sources or facts. Was just teasing you!



It's also available in full on Youtube. Here is a random part: