On the political leanings of Huffington post:

Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia on Arianna Huffington
A popular conservative commentator in the mid-1990s, she adopted more liberal political beliefs in the late 1990s.[1] She is the ex-wife of former Republican congressman Michael Huffington
Huffington rose to national prominence during her husband's unsuccessful Senate bid in 1994. She became known as a reliable supporter of conservative causes such as Newt Gingrich's "Republican Revolution" and Bob Dole's 1996 candidacy for president.
She is Greek upper middle class. Practically every single person from that background is very, very right wing (that's why they had that horrible military government for so many years). She married a Republican and moved to the US... Plus I have read a bit of Huffington Post for as long as I could take it. It's very right wing.