What do you think about it?A law banning the wearing of a full Islamic veil in public in France has been adopted by the lower house of parliament.
Do you support it?
Are you against it?
What do you think about it?A law banning the wearing of a full Islamic veil in public in France has been adopted by the lower house of parliament.
Do you support it?
Are you against it?
В основном безвреден.
The French Parliament has to respect the relgious values of the French Muslims. Isn't the identity and photographs gathered through census enough. They have their own houses listed in the immigration database and citizenship roster. Muslims should be alowed to wear the veil. There are some dirty-minded men who stare at their faces and bodies as if they are 'undressing them'. Muslim women are supposed to live holy lives, devote themselves to their husband. Only their respective husbands can oggle or stare at their bodies and faces.If I am not mistaken, the banning of the veil was the official party line of a communist party of a communist muslim country which was the past Afghanistan Soviet satellite under Najibullah and instigated by communists and their spy handlers in Communist countries on the locals to foment discord. Parliamentarians of France, don't let the socialists and communists foment intrigue and animosity on France. Repeal the law!! Right now!! Communist agents of influence, don't aggravate the plight of the jobless Muslim women. Lift the ban on wearing veil!! (I am a Christian but I respect the religion of other people) Allah indeed is Great!! More power to King Abdullah both of Jordan and Saudi Arabia!1 Long live United Emirates and Dubai!! Down with damned Arab terrorists who were prophesized in the Bible together with the communist terrorists of Philippines to be 'seeking death' !!
Originally Posted by крупскяа
Maybe you should calm down with your anti-communist paranoia. Only 20 left-wing representatives did vote for this text.Le texte a été approuvé par toute la droite (UMP et Nouveau Centre) et 20 députés de gauche, dont Manuel Valls (PS) et André Gerin (PCF), initiateur du débat sur l'interdiction du voile intégral il y a un an, qui a présidé la mission d'information parlementaire sur le sujet.
The 20 leftists are symbolical representation of what the Left, socialists and communists can be prone of doing. Look, the communists practice secular humanism. Religion is banned in communist countries. They also banned the veil in Soviet Afghanistan and Yemen under the pretext of security measures. The Left with its secular humanism and anti-religious fervour was and can be capable of hurting the Muslims. The only reason why the remaining socialists in the French Parliament did not vote for it is because they want 'to wins some hearts and minds'. Given Stalin's penchant for lashing out at Musllim religion the Chechens among them, only means that the whole STalinist movement of the Left in French parliament is capable of doing it. But for the meantime, they are stalling them. You will see once France becomes a communist or sociallist state. (My lip service to Securitae only means that they direct Bloc Quebecois and Parti Quebecois to stop dividing federal Canada and submit themselves to Canadian constitution. French civil law states that 'you should give everyone his due'. I deserve compensation for exposing myself in this forum to defend the French government and be targets of conspiring posters and communists. Pay me now Securitae.)Originally Posted by Zubr
+1Originally Posted by Zubr
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
All I know Lampada and Zubyr is that if you say that to Stalin or any communist master, they would right away throw you to the dungeons of Lubyanka and torture you. God knows the numbers of our hair. Where are you now Crocodile to refute their arguments.Originally Posted by Lampada
Alright. So I saw you guys exchanging intimate words, and I got the impression that maybe my opinion as a Muslim would be appreciated.Originally Posted by крупскяа
On the one hand, you got the fact that Burqa is by no means mandatory for a Muslim woman. I have never met a woman with Burqa in all my life. At least in Tehran, nobody wears it. Actually, only a very small percentage of Iranian women wear it, while the absolute majority of them are Muslim [Not that the Iranian Chador is any different. Technically, they are the same thing. But almost all Iranian women dress rather freely, and only the most fanatic people veil their faces]. Conclusion: Burqa is more of an Arabic thing, rather than Islamic.
One the other hand, I don't like that kind of laws. What people wear is none of a government's business, except in war time. Making people not wear what you don't like is as stupid as making them wear only what you like.
"If in the end, Misha, you are destined to lose this game, there is no need for the reason to be cowardice!"
You still don't know why I wrote that lip service to very very conservative and fanatical Muslims, don't you, Misha tal. You well know that the Taliban and Usama bin Laden was the one responsible for the wearing of the veil in Muslim countries. I paid lip service to Usama and the Taliban because I am not 'seeking death' as prophesized by our Bible which refers to suicide bombers here in Canada. There were already two attempts on my life by a suicide bomber. A close relative of mine was beheaded by Abu Sayaff while his head was paraded in the town plaza. Aim your invectives at the Taliban and Usama. Aim them at the Arab terrorists. Not at me. I just want me and my family to be safe from those suicidal Muslims 'seeWking death' while dragWging decent and civilized people to death. What is so 'intimate' about the wording. Do you know English or you are another provocation in this forum? Or you are also another conspiring poster aiming her invectives at me to bring me trouble. Are you also a co-principal, accomplice or accesssory to Usama or the Talilban's crimes. Why not aim your invectives at them. They insist on the wearing of the veil. Are you just one of these conspiring posters and communists aiming all your invectives at me. This is not paranoia, my dear. I hold a prominent position here in Canada. One reason why there were two attempts on my life. (Do you still believe that 9/11 was done by the CIA? That is the most preposterous black ops and lies by the LEft and the Communist Party of USA!! Why not ask the terroriists like Usama bin Laden and the Taliban if they still intend to kill and maim? Surely they will answer 'Yes, we (they)STILL do (with enthusiasm and gusto)!" . Now with that answer would you still believe that the CIA is behind 9/11? Crazy Lefties in USa and Canada! Have you ever read the Chairman of the Communist Party of USA and Canada condemning the crimes of Usama bin Laden? Have you ever heard Chairman Sam Webb condemning 'another suicide attack where victims numbered to the hundreds? Have you ever read or heard Chairman Miguel Figueroa condemning any or at least on suicide attack on harmless civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan? Have you ever heard Chairman Figueroa of the Communist Party of Canada condemning that attempted bombing of Parliament or the attempted bombing of a building in Toronto or the attempted chopping of the head of Prime Minister Harper? Have you ever heard or read Chairmans Sam Webb and Miguel Figueroa condemning terrorism/ No because they themselves like all those horrible crimes to happen and they are too seeking death!! (If I were Putin or the Ministry of State Security I wouldn't grant emigration release papers (not immmigration to Russia but emigration to USA, British or Canada) to Chechens. I am the only who knows why. If he wants to know then pay me. Give me a girlfriend.)
I'm not sure I understand what you want me to refute. In general, I disrespect a parliament which has no more important business than making fashion decisions for its nation. Regardless of what way each party had voted. At the best, perhaps, the local authorities (like district school board) could mandate some fashion policies for the students and the teachers. And those students or teachers who disagree with the policy could, perhaps, appeal to the upper courts in an attempt to overturn the board's decision. I don't think a personal preference of wearing burqa is very much different than wearing black leather and piercing.Originally Posted by крупскяа
Originally Posted by крупскяа
Too many words!
I think it would be much better if you spend more of your time on MasterRussian in Grammar section and less in Politics, please.
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
Thank you Sir Lampada! I wished or have wished to stay in Grammar until arguments needed to be refuted. What am I? A punching bag!
Nobody thinks that you are a punching bag and we are not career politicians here.Originally Posted by крупскяа
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
I don't think France should have banned it. On the other hand: If these burqa women are such fundamentalist moslems, then why precisely must they live in Europe? If these women had a bit of perspective on things the problem wouldn't have occurred in the first place.
As for hijab, I see lots of women wearing hijab all the time. I have no problem with it although it takes a while getting used to.
I have heard the point that Misha Tal raises, that a lot of things in "Islam" are in fact cultural phenomenons from the Middle East, which are not related to Islam. Makes complete sense. A lot of the culture and habits of Europe certainly has nothing to do with Christianity.
A very good friend of mine is a moslem. Based on how she lives her life and what she told me about Islam, I have a lot of respect for it. My friend swears that Islam in itself is not anti-women in any way - she is quite a feminist herself. But her view is that Western society can be just as negative for some women as some of the things that happen in the Middle East. I think that's an interesting perspective.
Girls like this would look better in a burka!!!!![]()
This dress is surely just as legit per Islam as a burqa and it looks pretty good! But really hot to wear in warmer climes.
Жаль, что тут нет французов. Я читал, что 70% из них поддерживают решение своего парламента.
В основном безвреден.
Я и есть француз. Но я вовсе не считаю это дело важным. По-моему, об этом так много пишут и говорят с одной целью отвлекать внимание народа, который, пока увлекается «проблемой», касающейся менее четырёхсот женщин, не обращает внимание на что более важное.Originally Posted by Vadim Mo
Я не за этот закон. Он не нужний, проку в нём нет. Сержусь, что о такой мелочи так у нас заботятся. Настоящая проблема, когда мусульманин в больнице бьёт акушера за то что смотреть на чужую жену - преступление, или когда на окраине зовут девушку-француженку «бл***» потому, что не носит чадру, значит, нечистая, а нечистые девушки - это одно и то же, что мясо (эти слова я не выдумал - я действительно слышал, как так говорили). Вот об этом и надо заботиться, но это никак не относится к бурке.
Кстати, надо заметить, что в принципе, речь не идёт о бурке. Закон такой: нельзя носить одежду, покрывающую лицо. О самой бурке - ни слова.
Hanna, you know these women live in Europe because they were born here. Most of them women are French indeed.
Но это правда, что большинство населения поддерживает этот закон?Originally Posted by Zubr
А это всё действия не одной цепи? Причём речь не о мусульманах, как я думаю, а вообще о тех, кто пытается навязывать обществу чуждые обычаи и взгляды.Настоящая проблема, когда мусульманин в больнице бьёт акушера за то что смотреть на чужую жену - преступление, или когда на окраине зовут девушку-француженку «бл***» потому, что не носит чадру, значит, нечистая, а нечистые девушки - это одно и то же, что мясо (эти слова я не выдумал - я действительно слышал, как так говорили). Вот об этом и надо заботиться, но это никак не относится к бурке.
Значит, этот закон не имеет никакой антирелигиозной направленности. Я его и не рассматривал никогда с этой точки зрения.Кстати, надо заметить, что в принципе, речь не идёт о бурке. Закон такой: нельзя носить одежду, покрывающую лицо. О самой бурке - ни слова.
Сам я за свободу религий. Закон этот поддерживаю и не считаю его недемократичным или нарушающим чьи-то права. Скорее - защищающим права.
Но что он довольно-таки бессмысленный - с этим можно согласиться.
"Сержусь" выглядит плохо в таком контексте. Лучше сказать "я возмущён, что..."
В основном безвреден.
Hanna, your arguments deserve praise. The French Parliament passed this law on the basis of national security. You'll never know what an Arab terrrorist with burqa is capable of doing. Well anyway, you and Misha Tal have proven your point.
There was in Russia some uproar about a ban on photography in a pasport in a hijab. Seems it permitted.
Originally Posted by deker
Did you see those suicide bombers that blew up Moscow subway station, deker? They all have hijabs! Putin blew his top at the death toll. Two hundred or more dead! Innocent civilians. I might be a member of Canadian intelligence community but I am not a gruesome ill wisher.I do not wish that gruesome ill wishes of Usama bin Laden be granted by his father Satan. I wish Russia well. We are willing to trade intelligence with SVR and FSB with respect to threats and terrorism!
Again those are about two hundred innocent victims of terrorist bombing. Imagine if your child was or parents were one of them. "Beasts"-Putin.
What concerns the respect for customs and traditions - in European culture, open face is a sign of friendly intentions as well as raised hand while covered face was always a sign of enemy. So, if them, in Arab countries wish us to respect their customs they too must respect the European customs and traditions.
Send me a PM if you need me.
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