...It is claimed by theorists that the very existence of an alternative makes the politicians to compete with each other and account for the demands of the people.
... It also should be noted that in the West (especially in the USA) there is a strong feeling that the state is inevitably hostile toward the people, so that
the more the state power is restricted the more democratic and free the country is. Democracy is thus understood as a permanent struggle between the people
and the state for their rights. The more rights the people have against the state, the more restricted the state is, the more democracy there is....
...The Soviets said "Your state is hostile towards the people!", not understanding that the western concept of democracy considers the state inevitably hostile to the people
and puts emphasis on protection of the rights, while the Americans said "Your rights are not protected from the state!",
The West
* State is hostile to the people
* People need their rights protected from the state
* Political competition makes the state more people-friendly (democratic)
* The state is inherently anti-democratic
* The more spheres the state controls, the more anti-democratic the country is
because state control means restriction of human rights