Quote Originally Posted by LXNDR View Post
it's just political correctness

but lack of democracy indeed means lack of many personal freedoms, if the nation is ok with such state of affairs fine
Democracy doesn't automatically provide personal freedoms, etc. Democracy in its classic definition only declares that all people can participate in forming of the national policy. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. It does not say that there must be any personal freedoms except that everyone can elect and be elected.
All other 'implied' meanings are attributed to democracy by illiterate politicians and their even more illiterate followers.

still almost nobody emigrates from the West to non-democratic countries however prosperous they are, not in masses for certain, why?
Simply because people prefer to emigrate to more prosperous countries than their own and nobody wishes to emigrate to less wealthy countries. And don't even try to give all credit for the well-being of 'the West' to the fact they have seemingly 'democratic' political systems. There are other democracies as well (Pakistan, Lebannon, Mexico... lol even Greece - the most 'prosperous' country in the EU) and they're not going to be any wealthier than they are now in the nearest future. Economic well-being of the country has nothing to do with democracy.