Вот такое вот распространяют (в целом, создание Украинской Федерации - хороший компромисс в сложившейся ситуации, но это компромисс):
Вот такое вот распространяют (в целом, создание Украинской Федерации - хороший компромисс в сложившейся ситуации, но это компромисс):
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Крым уже решил выйти из состава Украины.
ВЫпущенные из киевских тюрем психи уже грозятся напасть. Пока - на словах.
А тем временем у Киевских революционеров уже свои Швондеры появились:
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Ну, смешно - не смешно, а тот же Кипр на такие подвиги тоже сильно не способен. Однако ж - республика. Ибо, английские базы.
Дело не в том, чтобы назвать свинью птицей чтобы она полетела, а в том, чтобы не утратить статус какой-никакой захудалой автономии. Но, даже сейчас, парламент Крыма принимает какие-то там решения, а реальные начальники всё равно назначаются из Киева. Оно крымчанам надо?
Для начала, туристам из Турции придётся договориться с туристами как минимум из Украины и России, у которых туристы не менее любознательны. На этом равновесии вполне можно стоять неопределённо долгое время.
А нужно ли было строить лыжные трассы в Сочи, если в России есть намного более снежные места, естественным образом приспособленные для развития зимних видов спорта?
На самом деле (тм), Крым очень легко защищать. Ибо Перекопский перешеек, а море полностью контролируется Черноморским флотом уже сейчас. Кроме того, поставь себя на сторону Украины, есть ли у неё средствА вести войну наистощениезахват и удержание Крыма? Скорее всего, всё ограничится блокадой и ругательствами.
И потом, а как снабжается Кипр?
Есть немало мнений, что это подделка, так как картинка в интернете ходит исключительно цифровая, скана реального объявления с дома нигде не было.
В любом случае, вряд ли можно ждать чего-то хорошего от организации, чей лидер открыто говорит, что будет использовать ресурсы СБУ для подавления восточных регионов и против РФ.
Ну да, чья армия стоит на территории, того она и есть.
А статус субъекта РФ для крымчан что изменит?
говорю же - при сохранении Россией нейтралитета. Т. е. российских "туристов" не будет.
В общем-то, в Красной Поляне ещё в СССР было что-то горнолыжное. В целом, для развития туризма не так уж это и плохо. Из чисто-летнего курорта Сочи превратился в круглогодичный. Сейчас регион встроен в инфраструктуру, связан железнодорожным сообщением, туда поданы 2 газовых трубы и, в целом, всё ОК.
Сейчас же России предлагается влить кучу денег в поддержание суверенитета Крыма с весьма туманными выгодами для себя. Сохранение же автономии в составе Украинской Федерации для России (да и для Крыма) гораздо более выгодно.
Я не про нападение украинских милитаристов на Крым, господь с тобой. Я про возможность его блокады со стороны Украины. Жрать-то в Крыму что-то надо.
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I don't even have words for what's happening in Ukraine. It's such a tragedy. Kiev - such a gorgeous and impressive city with friendly people, all smashed up and destroyed by idiots! Not saying they didn't have valid points, but there was an election in ONE years time for goodness sake.
What's up with It-Ogo, gromoZeka and others from Ukraine? Please everyone there, share your views on all this!
You are on the minds of everyone in Europe with a heart at the moment.
Who's going to clean up the cities and how many people are going to prison....
What do you want for the future and what do you think about what's happened?
I am worried that Ukrainians have been manipulated and made the situation worse not better. I realise that Yanukovich was corrupt, and I thought his house was ridiculously extravagant and tacky. But is he worse than the opposition? Was he so bad and useless that it was necessary to have a "revolution" when it's only 1 year left to legitimate democratic elections?
Look at Romania, it's in the EU and it's no better off than Ukraine, I'd say it's poorer, and it's very corrupt according to locals there. And now, all the young people and educated people are trying to move abroad.
На уровне обыкновенного крымчанина - сложно сказать как. Как я уже сказал, это дело формальное и коснется в первую очередь местного законодательства и принципов госуправления. И это вопрос на деле непростой, так как те, кому это важно, будто этих самых простых крымчан активно звать в ту или иную сторону.
Признаю, мне не известно, как, например, отличаются от наших крымские правила налогообложения (не менее важно - правила дележа налогов между региональным и федеральным бюджетами), или как работает тамошняя бюджетная система. Но мне известно, что на всех ресурсах из политических вопросов Крыма главный один - сохранить завоевания автономии. Именно потери привилегий, связанных с этим статусом, опасается местное руководство.
Вполне вероятно, что одной из этих привилегий является возможность использовать русский язык. У нас это не проблема. Но вот из-за других обстоятельств кто-нибудь беспринципный может начать крутить носом.
In two words - the inept government's policy (its absence, in fact) led to a coup performed by the most extremist and nationalistic part of the population.
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I don't like these accusations sometimes coming from Russian media about various ex Soviet republics inhabitants being nazis and fascists etc. Doesn't seem fair or reasonable to bring up events from the War... So I thought it was exaggerated and rather irritating that they'd sink so low as to bring this up.
But then I saw pictures of some kind of Ukrainian organisation with people who had actually styled uniforms emblems on a swastika, making nazi salutes and certainly giving the impression of actually being Nazis.... Not to mention things they were saying.
Loitering around the "Maidan" and pestering people.
Pretty shocking. Real nazis involved in a coup d'etat.
Nobody in Germany ought to support anybody involved with that (yes mrs merkel) since it's strictly illegal there to have anything to do with Nazism. But several German ministers have gone to Ukraine and cheered these people on. And now they are going to treat Julia Timoshenko for some unspecified illness.
I shouldn't be blabbering about this though, because I really don't know enough about the background, the events themselves, or what would be the best way forward. So I'll shut up and read what those with more insight have to say.
Ну это-то, как раз, сравнительно легко решится. Что нам стоит мост построить, провернем и будем жить.)) При наличии "политической воли" и лишнего "бильярда" баксов мост будет сдан через год ИМХО. Тем более "законное украинское правительство" уже утвердило соответствующее соглашение)).Во-первых, в случае противостояния с Украиной, Крым придётся снабжать по морю и по воздуху, причём неограниченно долгое время, а это очень дорого, в том числе и для жителей Крыма.
Мост через Керченский пролив — Википедия30 января 2014 года Кабинет министров Украины утвердил соглашение с Россией о строительстве моста через пролив[11].
But who's going to show to the Germans those 'unpleasant' pictures? No, they will see staged photos of beautiful young people who proclaim 'universal values' and freedom for all people.
Just look at the beginning of this thread, at those photos and videos that I and Lampada posted. It's very educating - a small 'handmade' informational war was going on. The Europeans will see only what Lampada posted and they will probably say that my examples are a forgery of some kind or at least biased.
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Oh that's a DIFFERENT Nazi inspired emblem in your pictures! So there are more than one such organisation!
Yes, you can imagine the coverage of this. Everyone that's dead is implicitly Russia's fault somehow... And suddenly this democratically elected government is an evil dictatorship that deserves the rage of the people and the condemnation of the West.
I think these people are insane. Do they realise what real Nazis back in the days would have thought of them? They are spitting on their own history.
The Nazis wanted to steal the land in the USSR and use the people as slave labour because they were "untermenschen". And now they imitate the Nazis?!
So I have no idea what will happen now. Ukraine needed money very urgently as I understood it, and Russia was offering.
So will they now get the cash they need from the EU, USA or IMF instead because they were performed as expected in this coup d'etat?
What's going to happen to Ukraine's economy? I understand there's been a lot of destruction in Kiev and other places.
I used to think it might be nice if Ukraine joined the EU, or got closely involved. But now, after seeing this type of situation I actually don't want it. I certainly don't want my tax money to fund a bunch of Nazis and people who behave like they are puppets on a string and seem to completely lack perspective politically.
I never express strong views here, because I usually think I lack the insights that Russians, Ukranians and others have on these topics and because it's not my business strictly speaking.
But in this case, I think this is IDIOTIC. They could have waited ONE year for the election, and THEN if the election was fradulent, they could have staged this revolution. The majority voted for this president, and all he wanted to do was to postponed EU discussions and receive some extremely badly needed cash from the only country that was offering it. It's supposed to be "Western style " democracy there now, isn't it! Well the name of the game is you cast your vote, you allow them to do their worst for 4-5 years and then you get the opportunity to get rid of them if they failed. You don't have a revolution and smash up the capital just because a decision is taken that some people don't agree with! Particularly not one year before the next election.
Who does this benefit, and is there ANYthing at all to indicate that whoever takes over will be less corrupt or incompetent? Best guess is that this next government will also open up the doors for EU and US multinationals to crush what's left of local Ukrainian business and industry and maybe turn Ukraine into an outsourcing hothouse for the EU. I think Ukrainians are better than that.
The first thing that hit me when I was in Ukraine was how much Western European big brand corporations were there. It was so in-your-face in old historical or Soviet era blocks. Saw plenty of Swedish, German, Dutch not to mention American brands That's thousands of Ukrainian jobs lost and extra money wasted that goes straight into the pockets of people in Frankfurt, London and other EU capitals. While competent Ukrainians go without a job or are underpaid and overqualified in some dumbed down job.
I really don't get what motivated these people. I really like Ukraine and wish it the very best, but I just don't understand what they think they are doing.
"Peaceful protesters"
*Morpheus mode on*
What if I told you, that most of ex Soviet republics were led to independence by nationalists and millions of Russians who were unlucky to stay there suffered from it?
*Morpheus mode off*
Western regions of Ukraine are quite special. Their population always distanced themselves from the eastern half. When it began and why is long story spanning over two hundred years. When the nazi came there, they were met with flowers. One of the reasons for that was the propaganda nazi used to spread in attacked regions posing themselves as liberators. Many of the "collaborationists" formed an army led by Stepan Bandera (not for long actually) and showed even more brutality than their patrons and paid dearly for their treachery later. Nowadays there is a social group of people, who consider themselves their descendants and believe that their grandpas were fighting not for the nazis but against communism (and Soviet "jewish government"). Today they proudly wear nazi symbols and build plans to get their revenge. They may not be actual nazis (yet they retain the nazi hate towards Hebrew), but to us, Russians, everybody who wears that is considered a threat, so our journalists don't hesitate to call them "nazis" as well.
A bunch of Nazis? Like these in Estonia?
Сбор ветеранов войск СС в Эстонии (Annual SS veteran meeting in Estonia)
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