Щаранский жжет в Твиттере:
=)Today all russian dissidents speak english for mr. @McFaul . I'm on duty today. London is a capital of Britain. Let me speak from my heart.
Щаранский жжет в Твиттере:
=)Today all russian dissidents speak english for mr. @McFaul . I'm on duty today. London is a capital of Britain. Let me speak from my heart.
Всех мастей стекались гады (с)
Лев Щаранский:
Гарри Каспаров как-то сказал: «Дайте мне ОРТ на два часа, и я заставлю режим рухнуть». Однако на удивление, после показов дебатов с участием диссидентов и демократических блоггеров рейтинг кровавого диктатора Путина не только рухнул в пропасть, но и неожиданно начал расти стремительным домкратом. Либеральная интеллигенция недоумевает – как же так, вроде получен доступ к центральным каналам, однако евроатлантического выбора у ТВ-аудитории не происходит, как не происходит понимание преимуществ невидимой руки рынка над совковой пайкой.
Невооруженным взглядом видна очевидная провокация КГБ. И я представляю вашему вниманию три составляющих этой провокации, чтобы вы сами убедились, что нет предела человеческой мерзости.
Во-первых, Путин отлично понимают, что только диссиденты и правозащитники, вооруженные передовым и единственно верным учением щаранизма-хайкинизма, смогут дать отпорный достой куче кремлевских охранителей и #высурковскаяпропаганда. Именно поэтому на ОРТ пустили не завсегдатаев трактира «Матрешка» или палатки Соломона Хайкина в Химкинском лесу, а скажем так оппозиционеров второго эшелона наподобие Боруха Немцова или Антона Долбоеба.
Во-вторых, либеральная интеллигенция, получив доступ к голубому экрану, сама растерялась от такой уступки власти, и по привычке стала вести себя совестливо и интеллигентно как в ЖЖ – с матом и грязными оскорблениями оппонентов, что несколько не принято в ТВ-формате. Преступление преступного режима – ОРТ не провело каких-либо тренингов для представителей оппозиции, чтобы научить их как грамотно противостоять сурковской пропаганде.
В-третьих, в качестве оппонентов совестливым и неравнодушным интеллигентам пригласили всяких пермских токарей и заводское быдло. Что внесло большой диссонанс в рукопожатные ряды – они не привыкли общаться с представителями столь низкого уровня. К тому же этих совков нельзя было просто забанить как в блоге – наряду явное нарушение свободы слова. Дебаты считались бы легитимными, если бы оппозиционеры дискутировали сами с собой, яростно доказывая преимущества либеральной модели общества и ценностей и идеалов свободы. Тогда бы и рейтинг тирана не рос, а падал стремительным домкратом.
В небе Боннэр, на земле Хайкин, в воде Шестой флот.
Honestly I am not worried about democracy in Russia. First of all its the Russians problem, not mine.... It doesn't have any effect outside of the borders of Russia. Secondly, it's really doubtful if Russia is any less democratic than Europe in general and the USA in particular. The only difference is that Russians are a bit more aware that things are not quite as democratic as the rulers would like people to believe it is... And the way things are going in the USA and the EU with anti-terrorist laws, lobbyists practically running the governments and internet censorship Russia might soon end up being a better democracy than the USA, for starters.
The thing that would concern me if I was Russian, would be corruption and nepotism.
Что такое "Real Democracy".....? Is there really such a thing...?![]()
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…
Heh - it seems that many Americans see things the opposite way - that is HERE is best, and THERE is worst. They seem to believe that America is the biggest, greatest, most amazing place on earth and they have little interest in exploring other cultures or gaining from foreign perspectives. Many people in the States, especially the "bible belt" areas and the south, prefer to live in their own comfortable, familiar surroundings and oppose change of any kind, no matter how logical or reasonable it may be. Such as energy-saving light-bulbs for example. "No! If it was good enough for Thomas Edison in the 1800's, it's good enough for us now in the 21st century" blah, blah, blah - that kind of thinking. Stifling, unimaginative and limited in vision.In eyes of an average Russian "тама лучшей чем тута" or "хорошо там где нас нет" or "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence!"
I don't mind a little patriotism, I believe people should love their countries. But at the same time, we should love our world and show interest in other people, in different ways of thinking. Otherwise we will become stagnant. Thankfully, I know I am not the only one who feels like this!
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…
The thing that's worrying about the USA and Americans is that many are very ignorant about the world outside their own borders
(not all, but the majority, I think. Including many government figures.)
They see the US as the centre of the world, the country that always
knows what's best for everyone on the planet. Americans also don't seem to realise that they are the victims of state- and other propaganda just as much, or possibly more, than Russians, Chinese, Europeans or anyone else. In the case of Russians, they are at least aware and suspcicious about what they hear in the media, and conscious that it is being manipulated to varying degrees.
If it stopped att that, it wouldn't be a problem, but in the case of the USA, they have the biggest military, the most nukes and influence across the globe through various opinion institutes, NGOs, their media etc.
I like American people in general, the country itself is really fascinating in many ways. But I get blinded to all the good sides through my
huge irritation and frustration about US foreign policy (meddling in other countries politics) starting wars and telling other countries what they
can or can't do in terms of internet usage. Lately having Europeans arrested and requested for extradition to America for nonsense stuff like running a torrent site.
As suspicious as I am against China, and to some degree Russia, they are not half as meddlesome and agressive as America - and they don't
constantly bang on about supposed values like freedom, democracy etc - while supporting the exact opposite and starting wars.
Yeah it's like this:As suspicious as I am against China, and to some degree Russia, they are not half as meddlesome and agressive as America - and they don't
constantly bang on about supposed values like freedom, democracy etc - while supporting the exact opposite and starting wars.
All we can do is hope that sanity prevails! And I believe it will. I have to believe that.
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…
Personally I don't believe that there is such a thing as Real Democracy.
Particularly not in those countries that talk about it the most.
Plus, democracy is dependent on people having a reasonable level of education and taking an interest in politics.
And another reason why democracy is something of an illusion:
Anyone who's got mass media on their side can make people believe their side of the story.
And then tell people that it is "free media", "Правда" or whatever you like, just to further enhance the illusion that your propaganda is objective news. It tricks people.
This is a terrible threat to democracy, because it means you can manipulate the voters if you control media. The state can control media through various subtle or not so subtle means. Corporate interests can control media through various means. Some kind of cultural elite controls aspects of media in some countries.
Then there are lobbyists in many countries, lobbying politicians after they have been elected. This too is undemocratic.
And large corporations or very rich individuals contributing to the election campaigns of the political party that they would like to see winning.
In this kind of environment you don't even need to bother with something as obvious as ballot box stuffing.....
I actually believe that democracy is one of the biggest hoaxes in the modern world.
But according to many Russians here, Russians in general believe that democracy is crap, and is responsible for the difficulties in the 1990s.Originally Posted by Doomer
A "good" dictator could also get rid of corruption, by starting a zero tolerance policy. Lee Kuan Yew did that in Singapore. Of course, good dictators are dangerous, because they can turn bad so easily...
Too right! That is just not the way, and you'd have to have had your brain completely washed inside out to think that democracy is achieved by one kickass country going to a country on the other side of the planet and forcing the "democracy" on them at gunpoint....
The UK is just as bad, I should say, because they are mainly in these wars to impress America... and then they are constantly talking about "winning the hearts and minds" of local people in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yeah right.... come with an armored tank and shoot at wedding parties and goatherds, and pee on them on youtube..... Then get surprised that you don't manage to "win their hearts and minds".
I do believe that democracy is possible, but I agree with you that corruption is the biggest threat to anything. There does not seem to be any peaceful means to deal with corruption, either. In US, the media is a big joke! I watch the BBC, Al Jazeera and Russia Today and I am better informed than the masses of Americans who watch FOX "news" (I refuse to call it NEWS without the quotations! Ethical reasons!).
Then we have the corruption of the uber-wealthy, who buy our congressional representatives by the bushel. I think our elected officials should all wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers wear, which show who sponsored them. I enjoy watching Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart expose this corruption and nonsense. But I find it deeply disturbing, that I must rely on "comedians" to get information!!! That is how bad our "news" media is these days. I was a journalist for 15 years and I left the business for this very reason.
Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…
Of course Putin's totalitarian regime affects the neighboring countries.Honestly I am not worried about democracy in Russia. First of all its the Russians problem, not mine.... It doesn't have any effect outside of the borders of Russia. Secondly, it's really doubtful if Russia is any less democratic than Europe in general and the USA in particular.
Putin's regime does not even fully recognize Baltic states.
Current Russian government policy is to create instability in "near foreign countries" or "Russian sphere of influence".
And they do it by spreading lies, half-truths and misinformation (many Russians in Latvia use Russian media (because they understand language better and Russian media can provide a lot more content than Latvian media) and easily become victims of their propaganda)...
And financing political parties and other groups hostile to countries they operate in.
Money for recent hate-mongering campaign (to sign petition for Russian to become official language in Latvia) also, probably came from Russia.
And of course - invasion in Georgia in 2008.
Серп и молот - смерть и голод!
IMHO, We know for sure about grass, and don't understand what 'democracy' means. However, "демократ" is rude word, because the strange society, built in 1990s, was built by the people who called themselves "демократы".
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