Hi guys-
We've been given terribly difficult homework (I think), i.e. come up with a list of "эмоциональные глаголы"
- verbs that express feelings, that is.
Very hard stuff to look up, because:
A. We usually don't use verbs for that purpose, we say "I feel (something)" or "I am (something)". And it's hard to look up something when you don't have a word to start from![]()
B. When I do find something, it usually has seven words in Russian and only one explanation in English (Danish is a bit better - I sometimes get two possibilities there)......
.... so I need a bit of help with nuances, please.....
Below is the list of what I've come up with so far..... I'd be thrilled to bits (how do you say that in Russian?!) if I could get some example sentences, some "register"-explanations, and maybe some indication of which of them are активная лексика and which aren't (but bear in mind I'm an old trout over 40
And maybe additions, verbs I've missed altogether...![]()
Заранее огромные спасибочки!![]()
PS: for Interlex-users: I have these as ILX-files, if you want them, let me know
веселиться - : to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
забавляться - : to amuse oneself
наслаждаться - насладиться : to take pleasure/delight (in)
развлекаться - развлечься : to have a good time, to amuse oneself
изумляться - изумиться : to be amazed; to be wonder-struck; to be dumbfounded
озадачивать - озадачить : to puzzle, to perplex
ошеломлять - ошеломить : to stun, to stupefy
поражаться - поразиться : to be surprised/astonished/thunderstruck
удивляться - удивиться : to wonder (at), to be astonished/amazed
(difficult series, this one)
горевать - : to grieve (for); to mourn (over)
огорчаться -огорчиться : to be pained; to grieve
оплакивать - оплакать : to mourn (over)
разочаровываться - разочароваться : to be disappointed
смущать - смутить : to confuse, to put out of countenance;to disturb, to trouble
смущаться - смутиться : to be confused, to be embarrassed, to be put out of countenance
обижаться - обидеться : to take offence, to feel hurt
оскорбляться - оскорбиться : to take offence; to feel insulted
веселеть - повеселеть : to cheer up, to become cheerful
радоваться - обрадоваться : to be glad/happy; to rejoice
порадоваться : to be happy for a while
трогаться - тронуться : to be moved/touched
умиляться - умилиться : to be touched/moved (by)
беспокоиться - : to worry (about), to be anxious/uneasy (about)
заботиться - позаботиться : to look after, to take care (of); to trouble about, to care for
отчаиваться - отчаяться : to despair (of)
теряться - потеряться : to be at a loss, to feel lost
завидовать - позавидовать : to envy
ревновать - : to be jealous
(Do you guys have a word for "friendly jealousy"? As in "I admire what you have/are, I wish I had/were that too"?)
любоваться - полюбоваться : to admire
восхищаться - восхититься : to admire, to be delighted (with)
увлекаться - увлечься : to admire greatly, to be carried away by; take a fancy to (smb)
жалеть - пожалеть : to be sorry for, to regret
ликовать - : to rejoice, to triumph, to exult
обожать - : to adore, to worship
очаровываться - очароваться : to be charmed, to be taken (with)
расхотеть : to cease to want
сомневаться : to doubt, to have one's doubts
сочувствовать - : to sympathize (with), to feel (for)
терпеть : to suffer, to endure; to have patience