Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
мнемонический способ запоминания слов с цы в начальной школе цыган на цыпочках цыплёнку цыкнул цыц содержит почти все слова, содержащие эту аффрикату с буквой ы в корне слова
Heh-heh... cute! (A tiptoeing Gypsy said "Tsyts!" to a baby chicken.)

If I understand Ozhegov correctly, "цыц" basically signifies "Прекрати!" ("Stop doing that!")

I'd never heard this word before, but it's quite funny to me, because there was a South Park episode entitled "Tsst!" in which Mrs. Cartman hires a professional dog-trainer to bring Eric's bad behavior under control. The dog-trainer's methodology is to continuously poke Cartman's neck saying Tsst! Tsst! Tsst! whenever Cartman misbehaves -- and it works!
