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Thread: Разные вопросы по глаголам (by tiudavidharris

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  1. #1
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    how do i use the word 'лазить'?

    1) how do i use the word 'лазить' which means to climb?
    i know i how to use 'подниматься' which means to climb up.
    'подниматься лестнитца' climb up a staircase or ladder.

    2) what is the difference between 'подниматься' and 'лазить' ?

  2. #2
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    "Он постоянно лазит по деревьям"
    "Сам не знаю, зачем я лажу по развалинам разрушенных зданий."
    that's how.

    Grammatically the word refers to a repeated, indefinite action of climbing, maybe in different places and over a period of time. As for the lexical meaning, "подниматься" is the most general word ("to go up"), while "лазить" is specifically for climbing up and/or down (and лезть -for some specific direction and destination)

  3. #3
    car is offline
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    Подниматься is a more abstract word, it means "ascend".
    Лазить is a more specific word, for situations like climbing a ladder, but not limited to, this word is used for many "awkward" ways of moving, for example one can say "лазить через окно" = "get in through the window", or "лазить по чердаку" ("hang out in the attic?"), or, as was said "лазить по деревьям" (= climbing trees)

    Climbing up a ladder is an "awkward" (i don't know how to describe it) way of moving, therefore we use лазить.
    Walking up a staircase is a simple walk on foot, there fore the more general подниматься. However if someone is drunk, then лазить can be used: он был так пьян, что еле лез по лестнице = he was so drunk that barely was able to "climb up" the staircase.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiudavidharris View Post
    'подниматься лестнитца' climb up a staircase or ladder.
    It is incorrect. In Russian, it's "подниматься по лестнице".

    I noticed you often forget to decline nouns. And you need "по" when you move along some surface: идти по дороге, плыть по воде, лететь по воздуху, ходить по крышам, подниматься по лестнице etc. etc.

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    Thank You

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