My understanding is that both подсолнух and подсолнечник mean sunflower. My guess is that подсолнечник is the diminutive of подсолнух. Is that correct? Would one be more appropriate for sunflowers grown for oil production or edible seeds as opposed to sunflowers grown in the garden for ornamental purposes? Or are they completely equivalent and interchangeable?
I'm not sure if the following sentences are grammatically correct, but is the right form of sunflower used in each? Also if the sentences are messed up could you please let me know what's wrong with them. Thanks!
Подсолнечник является родным для Северной Америки.
(The sunflower is native to North America.)
Петр Великий принёс подсолнечника в Россию.
(Peter the Great brought the sunflower to Russia.)
Урожай подсолнечника производится семян много.
(The sunflower crop produced much seed.)
Она попыталась спрятаться в поле подсолнухов.
(She tried to hide in the field of sunflowers.)
Лепестки подсолнечника являются красивый жёлтый.
(The sunflower’s petals are a beautiful yellow.)