'К стону начинавшей утихать толпы примешивались теперь и были различимы пронзительные выкрики глашатаев, повторявших одни на арамейском, другие на греческом языках все то, что прокричал с помоста прокуратор.'
'Towards/by moaning, beginning-to-fall-silent crowd mingled now-and-was-distinguishable the piercing shouts of the messengers, repeating one in Aramaic, the other in Greek all that had been said from the platform by the procurator.'
Please excuse the roughness of the translation; I'm trying to keep it close to the Russian word order, so that I can get used to how this works.
I can't see why the preposition that starts this sentence is 'К'; obviously the mistake is not the author's, but mine. I don't know of a meaning for this word that translates well into English in this sentence. Would not 'с' or 'в' be more normal here? I would expect my translation should begin 'Within the...' rather than 'Towards/by the...'?