I am studying a chapter about Phonetical accomodation (that is, why Тула, тот, for example, are not pronounced strictly Tula, tot because of labial condition of [y], [o]).
The meaning of it all is clear but there is a phrase that I can't understand completely:
"Изменение [y], [o] в позициях аккомодации довольно однотипно, признак огубленности, противопоставляя эти фонемы другим неогубленным, в то же самое время специфически формирует слог: начальный согласный слога (или соглaсные, если их несколько) всегда лабиализован (Тула, тот), даже с тех случаях ... ".
What I translate with no problem as:
"The change of (produced by)[y], [o] in position of accomodation is rather of the same type: an indication / sign of labialization, what oposes these phonems to the others not labial [what creates at the same time a specific sylable???]: the first consonant (or consonants if there are several) of the syllable is always labialized (Тула, тот), even in the cases where the first consonant is soft, that is, here a virtual-и appear as a "transit" vowel: нёс, чуть-чуть."
The phrase between brackets is what I am not sure having translated accurately. It would be clear if the verb would be in plural: "other phonems creathing sylables"; or "syllables created at the same time / in similar circunstances".
Can you help me? Thanks.