Can someone please help me with choosing the best alternatives in Russian? some of the vocab is rather specific for IT or ISO systems.

If I want to say that an error ocurred, or there was an error in a file, do I say ошибка or погрешность?
If we are talking about lack of user's authorization to do sth, is it better to say нет прав доступа or нем правомочия к/для (?)
In the context of wrong code entered, or wrong file path, is it неправильный or ошибочный? btw, is path дорожка also in this context?
Which one is best for the word "cancel"? анулировать, отменить, удалить?
No user/authorization/file was selected, is it не отмеченная, не указанные or не выделено?
Now, this one I'm really struiggling with, log, as in report log, is either one of them appropriate? дневник or журнал?
If I need to move or transfer a file to a different place, which one is best? переместить or перенести?
I need to have two different word for approving and accepting (e.g a project), is it ok if I use утвердить for approve, and одобрить for accept?
What's the difference between рапорт and отчёт?

I will probably keep them coming, and I would be really, extremely grateful if anyone could lend me a hand with this one
Thanks in advance.