Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
I really enjoy your definitions. Sorry, could you explain the distinctions among the words "jerk", "asshole" and "badass" in the same vain vein?
"Jerk" and "asshole" can be very similar, referring to someone who is rude, unpleasant, selfish, etc. "Asshole" may sometimes also suggest stupidity -- possibly because the first syllable sounds like "ass" as in "donkey," and donkeys are considered dumb. (However, note that "ass" meaning осёл and "ass" meaning жопа have totally unrelated etymologies.)

But the main difference between the two is that "asshole" is more vulgar. As far as know, "jerk" was originally shortened from "jerk off" (дрочить), but it has lost that "sexual" meaning and nowadays is "rude but not vulgar". So some English-speaking parents would be quite offended if you said "asshole" in front of their children, but "jerk" can safely be used around kids.

As to "badass," it's nearly always used positively -- or at least semi-positively, but it's never completely negative. It's someone who's cool, strong, kicks ass, and perhaps doesn't always follow the rules.

I mean, in an action movie, both the hero and the villain might be "badasses." But when you call the villain a "badass," it might suggest that he's not 100% evil, and perhaps has some sympathetic qualities that the audience likes. Or maybe he's 100% evil, but there's something "cool" about the character -- like he's a shapeshifting robot and can shoot lasers out of his eyes, or whatever.

So in the 1986 movie Aliens, for example, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) AND the alien "queen mother" are both "badass" characters.

For that matter, the vaguely lesbian-ish female Marine "Private Vasquez" (Jenette Goldstein) was also very "badass" (even though she only had a small role), but Bill Paxton's character "Private Hudson" was totally NOT badass (he was a nice guy, but he whined too much -- even the little girl Newt was more badass than him!). And the evil corporate guy played by Paul Reiser wasn't "badass"; he was just a traitorous and cowardly asshole/jerk.

P.S. Maybe "крепкий орек" could translate "badass"? I'm not sure.
P.P.S. Since I mentioned Vasquez and Hudson from Aliens, I feel obliged to quote the classic dialogue:

HUDSON: Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?
VASQUEZ: No, have you?