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Thread: Is this sentence correct ?

  1. #1
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    Is this sentence correct ?

    Is the following sentence correct ? (I personally dont think so!)

    Напишите два коротких абзаца на завтра!

    This is from (sentence 25)
    The above is the answer.

    But I dont think it is right. I think коротких should be короткого!

    Can anyone confirm ?

  2. #2
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    Yes, it's correct.
    My English isn't so good, зато с русским все в порядке ))
    I'll be very thankful, if you correct my mistakes.

  3. #3
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    I agree with you Johnroman. It seems to me, that it should be короткого since it is after два and therefore uses the genitive singular.

    pranki, could you please explain why we're both wrong?
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  4. #4
    DDT is offline
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    Sentences 21-25 should all follow the same rule. Right?
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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    I have had this problem before and know the answer!

    Although the nouns have genetive singular endings after numerals 2 - 4, adjectives always have genetive plural after any number apart from 1 (and ending on 1, like 21,31,etc. (apart from 11)). End of story.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Incorrect

    Quote Originally Posted by Ядерное лицо
    pranki, could you please explain why we're both wrong?
    I'm not a very good teacher, and it's difficult to me to explain why you're wrong. But I read kalinka's answer and I think he's right.
    My English isn't so good, зато с русским все в порядке ))
    I'll be very thankful, if you correct my mistakes.

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