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Thread: Nominativ and Genetiv

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    Nominativ and Genetiv

    Now i study theese two casus and im just wondering because i lost some papers about it if you can help me.

    Can you write an example in plural with nominativ/genetiv with and in masc/femi/neut.

    I would write three words who is in masc/femi/neut

    мост - masculin
    щука - feminim
    ухо - neutrum

    I mean, try to write it in just plural. Just Plural because i would be very unsure then when i would talk or hear it.

    Thanks for help

    For example, i which situation shall i write мостов?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Nominativ and Genetiv

    Quote Originally Posted by mekko
    Now i study theese two casus and im just wondering because i lost some papers about it if you can help me.

    Can you write an example in plural with nominativ/genetiv with and in masc/femi/neut.

    I would write three words who is in masc/femi/neut

    мост - masculin
    щука - feminim
    ухо - neutrum

    I mean, try to write it in just plural. Just Plural because i would be very unsure then when i would talk or hear it.

    Thanks for help

    For example, i which situation shall i write мостов?
    Nom. мост
    Gen. мост́а

    Nom. мост́ы
    Gen. мост́ов

    В нашем городе много мостов.

    Nom. щука
    Gen. щ́уки

    Nom. щ́уки
    Gen. щук

    Nom. ́ухо
    Gen. ́уха

    Nom. ́уши
    Gen. уш́ей
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Nominativ and Genetiv

    Quote Originally Posted by mekko
    Now i study theese two casus and im just wondering because i lost some papers about it if you can help me.

    Can you write an example in plural with nominativ/genetiv with and in masc/femi/neut.

    I would write three words who is in masc/femi/neut

    мост - masculin
    щука - feminim
    ухо - neutrum

    I mean, try to write it in just plural. Just Plural because i would be very unsure then when i would talk or hear it.

    Thanks for help

    For example, i which situation shall i write мостов?
    Этот мост старый (n.c. sg.) - This bridge is old
    Эти мосты старые (n.c. pl.) - These bridges are old
    Я вижу мост (a.c. sg.) - I see the bridge
    Я вижу мосты (a.c. pl.) - I see the bridges
    Здесь нет ни одного моста (g.c. sg.)- There is no one bridge here
    Я вижу много мостов (g.c. pl.) - I see many bridges

    Щука живёт в реке (n.c. sg.) - The pike lives in the river
    Щуки живут в реке (n.c. pl.) - The pikes live in the river
    Я вижу щуку (a.c. sg.) - I see the pike
    Я вижу щук (a.c. pl.) - I see the pikes
    Здесь нет ни одной щуки (g.c. sg.) - There is no one pike here
    Я вижу много щук (g.c. pl.) - I see many pikes

    У меня ухо болит (n.c. sg.) - My ear aches
    У меня уши болят (n.c. pl.) - My ears ache
    Я вставил наушник в ухо (a.c. sg.) - I've inserted the earphone into my ear
    Я вставил наушники в уши (a.c. pl.) - I've inserted the earphones into my ears
    У твоего уха большая мочка (g.c. sg.) - Your ear has a big lobe
    У твоих ушей большие мочки (g.c. pl.) - Your ears have big lobes
    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  4. #4
    Почётный участник
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    Thanks for help.

    But are they some special rule about change yxo to уши?

    I doubt that you would change the word Mope to Moшe or something.

  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    "уши" is the old dual form of "yxo"

    Quote Originally Posted by mekko
    But are they some special rule about change yxo to уши?
    I doubt that you would change the word Mope to Moшe or something.
    Besides singular and plural, there was also dual in Old Slavonic.

    Thus, "уши" is the old dual form of "yxo" which has always been used instead of the normal plural form, probably "yxа", which is not attested.

    Another example is "око" - "очи". These are archaic forms for eye/eyes which are "глаз"/"глаза" in modern Russian. The old plural form of "око" was attested to be "очеса".

    In the case of "yxo" (ear) and "око" (eye), the dual forms were used more often than their plural forms and finally replaced them totally.

    There is one more influence from the old dual forms into modern Russian: this is the form used after 2/3/4. Modern Russian grammars say Gen. Sing. forms are used that case. Actually, it is reflex of the old dual forms.

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