I'm collecting long Russian words for a learning project. Can you post some here or tell me where I can look for them?
I need words with no less than 20 letters; and just common words, not scientific or medical terms.
Thank you!
I'm collecting long Russian words for a learning project. Can you post some here or tell me where I can look for them?
I need words with no less than 20 letters; and just common words, not scientific or medical terms.
Thank you!
Пожалуйста, говорите медленнее.
В Грамматическом словаре русского языка А. А. Зализняка издания 2003 года самая длинная (в буквах) нарицательная лексема в словарной форме — прилагательное частнопредпринимательский (25 букв; словоформы на -ого и -ими — 26 букв).
Самые длинные глаголы — переосвидетельствоваться, субстанционализироваться и интернационализироваться (все — 24 буквы; образованные от них причастия с окончанием -ующимися и деепричастия на -овавшись — по 25 букв).
Самые длинные существительные — человеконенавистничество и высокопревосходительство (по 24 буквы; словоформы на -ами — по 26 букв, впрочем, человеконенавистничество практически не употребляется в мн. ч.).
Самые длинные одушевлённые существительные — одиннадцатиклассница (20 букв) и делопроизводительница (21 буква), словоформы на -ами — по 22 и 23 буквы соответственно.
Самое длинное наречие, фиксируемое словарём, — неудовлетворительно (19 букв). Следует учесть, что от подавляющего большинства качественных прилагательных на -ый и -ий образуются наречия на -о, -е или -и, далеко не всегда фиксируемые словарём.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
Let's not forget достопримечательность, which basically means "tourist attraction" -- for example, St. Basil's Cathedral, or the Grand Canyon. 21 letters in the "dictionary form", and 23 letters in the instrumental plural.
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
Thanks, it-ogo. If these are the records, then I guess there aren't many words that are over 20 letters? Do you know approximately how many? Maybe I need to lower my threshold to 17.![]()
Пожалуйста, говорите медленнее.
The specifics of Russian language is a plenty of suffixes and prefixes which can be combined together to get something more or less meaningfull. Such combinations mostly are not in vocabularies and are colloquial in some uncertain degree. So it is often difficult to say what is valid Russian word and what is not and what does a word mean exactly without context.
Anyway such long words are not common way of expressing ideas in Russian.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
According to ru.wiktionary.org (click to proceed):
20 letters: 441 words
21 letters: 249
22 letters: 134
23 letters: 71
24 letters: 53
25 letters: 33
26 letters: 14
27 letters: 10 words
But of coz' you can not really collect them all.
Кому - нары, кому - Канары.
Just as in English, you can "stretch" the adjective microscopic (11 letters) into a 16-letter word by adding the prefix ultra-, and then turn the adjective into an adverb with the suffix -ally, for a grand total of 20 letters: ultramicroscopically.
You could even stretch this further with "nonce formations" like deultramicroscopicalization (27 letters) -- which, in a science-fiction context, could mean something like "the reversal (de-) of the process of making (-ization) something much much smaller," as happened at the end of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
Does this word really exist. Сельскохозяйственный, достопримечательность are common words.ultramicroscopically.
I like the word «человеконенавистничество ».
Демоническая Утка
Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!
достопримечателъности - not extremely long (21 characters) but a beautiful and authentic one.
The adverb microscopically and the adjective ultramicroscopic are both "real" words, but to combine them into a single adverb ultramicroscopically would be very unusual. So it's more of a "nonce" term that's completely understandable but rarely or never heard, and not found in dictionaries.
On the other hand, ultramicroscopically doesn't sound "ridiculously unreal" like deultramicroscopicalization -- a word that one would probably only hear in the context of a parody of science-fiction -- but not in "straight" (i.e., serious) science-fiction, because the word just sounds rather stupid and semi-literate.
P.S. By the way, the corresponding adjective for microscopically is microscopic -- there's no such word as microscopical (unless it were used in a humorous poem or song to create a rhyme for the real adjectives topical and tropical -- but the effect would be funny).
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
Every time I see that word, I want to sing "Достопримечательности-expialidocious" in my best Julie Andrews voice!
Ам-дидл-лидл-лидл, ам-дидл-лай...
Only when you stop stopping your life can you begin to start starting it.
What an envy! What on words with many consonants and few vowels? For instance, in German: Selbstschütz, 2 - 10 .
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