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Thread: I need good comebacks!

  1. #1
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    I need good comebacks!

    Sometimes me and my Russian friend has like "married couple" fights

    Ты рахнулась?
    Пизделуй тебе мало!

    Maybe it's a bit childish but it's fun and I learn new words

    Any recommendation for good replies/snappy comebacks to show her I also have cool and funny vocabulary? Especially a reply to Пизделуй тебе мало? She started using it a lot lately!
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

  2. #2
    Paul G.
    Ты рехнулась? "Are you crazy?"
    Пиздюлей тебе мало! rude, mat; something like "it was not enough to kick your ass", not literal, though. You could say "могу и тебе отвесить" in reply. It implies you realise the context very well and that sounds properly. )
    Сварливая! "Shrew!"

    Also, for kidding female friends, you can use "деловая колбаса" (it seems I've told you or maybe someone else), literally it means "business sausage", but in fact that's a slang word for the women who try to look/act like a business lady (manners, clothes etc). So when your female friend will hurry somewhere, you may use it.
    Valda likes this.

  3. #3
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Interesting! How would you exacty translate "могу и тебе отвесить" Like, I can take you down?

    "деловая колбаса" - I kinda doubt she'll know it as she's no longer living in a Russian speaking country and familiar with more outlandish expressions of the language.

    Edit: I was wondering whether to move this thread to generation discussion is more appropriate?
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

  4. #4
    Paul G.
    Valda, you should learn mat and figure it out for this, because it's kinda sub-language. "Отвесить пиздюлей" is translated something like "to kick ass" (mostly physically). So, when you say in reply "я могу и тебе отвесить" it sounds like "I can kick your ass too".
    Anyway, when a woman uses mat she looks like a whore or an ugly "woman with balls". So, decent Russian women use these words very rarely.

    P.S. Valda, why did you deactivate your FB account? It was suddenly.

  5. #5
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Interesting! How would you exacty translate "могу и тебе отвесить"
    I can serve you a can of whoop-ass too!
    Only when you stop stopping your life can you begin to start starting it.

  6. #6
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul G. View Post
    Valda, you should learn mat and figure it out for this, because it's kinda sub-language. "Отвесить пиздюлей" is translated something like "to kick ass" (mostly physically). So, when you say in reply "я могу и тебе отвесить" it sounds like "I can kick your ass too".
    Anyway, when a woman uses mat she looks like a whore or an ugly "woman with balls". So, decent Russian women use these words very rarely.
    Well me and her just joke around between ourselves

    Thanks for the explanation!
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

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