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Thread: Grammar Q

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Grammar Q

    Ok, well im kinda new at learning russian and i just have a couple of questions. Sometimes, when I listen to russian songs, i hear some of these words

    тот же
    то что

    What do those mean and also, you know how there are some endings to words like -то and -нибудь (ex. что-то где-то) are there anymore endings like those and if there are, could you please explain

    I have a hard time figuring out the cases and how to change word endings according to those. So, could anyone please help me?

  2. #2
    Властелин wanja's Avatar
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    Re: Grammar Q

    же - emphatic word ("Я же тебе говорил!" - "I did told you!")
    "тот же" - "the same"
    то что - "that"

    что-то, - "something"
    что-нибудь - "something", "anything"
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  3. #3
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    Re: Grammar Q

    Quote Originally Posted by wanja
    же - emphatic word ("Я же тебе говорил!" - "I did tell you!")
    "тот же" - "the same"
    то что - "that"

    что-то, - "something"
    что-нибудь - "something", "anything"

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    What specific problems are you having with cases? Is this the first time you've studied a declined language (a language that has case declinsions)? If so, it can be a little bit confusing and frustrating becomming familiar and comfortable with cases. At any rate, post your difficulties here and i'm sure people will be glad to help.

    Also, about the postfix -то, you can pretty much append it to any of the who, whats, whens, and wheres ... кто-то, что-то, когда-то, где-то... and it pretty much means Somebody, something, sometime, somewhere.


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