There's a 'translate from english to russian' exercise in my book where both are used but I can't tell why one is chosen specifically over the other in the following cases:
"Can you tell me where to get off? I want to get to the Bolshoi Theatre
- The Bolshoi is the forth stop from here. I'll tell you when to get off."
book's answer:
"Скажите, пожалуйста, когда мне сходить? Мне нужен Болшой театр.
- Большой театр - четвёртая остановка. Я вам скажу, когда сходить"
"Where do I get off for Red Square?
- You've got to get off at Revolution Square"
book's answer:
"Где мне сойти, чтобы попасть на красную площадь?
- Вам нужно сойти на остановке "Площадь Революций"