Hello All,
It is possibly easier if I start by outlining the problems and what I see as being the mistakes I have made along the way.
When I started to get taught cases I thought that the concept of cases was simply about how the nouns ended in a particular case,
i.e. with milk = с молоком
However, as time has progressed I have realised that sentence construction must also included the pronouns in their respectivce case, so in summary my focus was only on the end of the sentence rather than the whole of the sentence, which prepositions are used in which case etc.
Whilst I think I may be getting close to cracking the problem (by virtue of thinking I understand the problem) I would really appreciate some help on a word by word basis with possible explanations of the "whys" everything work together.
To try to avoid me listing all of what I see the issues to be and if I have not made myself clear, perhaps someone could post a few sentences that I could the ask questions about.
PS If we could start with simple constructs it may make it easier for other beginers to understand, progressivly getting harder.
Many thanks.