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Thread: case with музыка

  1. #1
    Старший оракул tohca's Avatar
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    case with музыка

    Please help me to understand the cases. Hope someone can correct my mistakes. Спасибо.

    1. заниматься музыкой - inst. case?
    means to study with music?
    if so, shouldn't it be "заниматься с музыкой" instead?

    2. заниматься музыку - acc. case?
    means to study music?

    3. танцевать под музыку - acc case?
    means to dance to the music?

    4. музыка к фильму - музыка = nom. case? к фильму = dative or gen. case?
    music of /from the movies?
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  2. #2
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    Re: case with музыка

    1. заниматься музыкой - inst. case - correct
    to be involved in music (to be a musician or to study music)
    means to study with music?
    if so, shouldn't it be "заниматься с музыкой" instead?
    I don't exactly understand what it means. Does it mean studying while music is playing? If it does, "заниматься с музыкой" is possible, but "заниматься под музыку" is much better.
    2. заниматься музыку
    WRONG, without the preposition only inst. case is possible after "заниматься"

    3. танцевать под музыку - acc. case - correct
    means to dance to the music - yes

    4. музыка к фильму - музыка = nom. case - yes (a subject, remember? )
    к фильму = dative case
    music of /from the movies? - yes (soundtrack )

  3. #3
    Старший оракул tohca's Avatar
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    Re: case with музыка

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    4. музыка к фильму - музыка = nom. case - yes (a subject, remember? )
    к фильму = dative case
    music of /from the movies? - yes (soundtrack )
    Sorry, just need a little more clarification.
    for "к фильму" should it be genetive, since it is "of the movies"?
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  4. #4
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    Re: case with музыка

    Quote Originally Posted by tohca
    for "к фильму" should it be genetive, since it is "of the movies"?
    "К" requires dative.

  5. #5
    Старший оракул tohca's Avatar
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    Okie dokey. Now it's clear. Thanks.
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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    And it's technically not "of the movies" but rather "for the movies", "to the movies".
    You are trying to judge about the properties of Russian phrases using their English translations. This is wrong because different languages use different concepts to express tha same meaning.

  7. #7
    Старший оракул tohca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pisces
    And it's technically not "of the movies" but rather "for the movies", "to the movies".
    You are trying to judge about the properties of Russian phrases using their English translations. This is wrong because different languages use different concepts to express tha same meaning.
    Yes, that's really one of the major difficulties in learning a language. I am trying to wean myself of the habit through more immersion courses either through audios or text. I am lucky that this forum exist to help me clarify and correct my understanding of the sentences and phrases.
    Where I am staying there is very little opportunity to practice or expose oneself to the Russian language, so I guess the current arrangement is there best there is. Of course I am planning to visit and get myself really immersed in the language one day. Hopefully this will happen either this year or the next.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by pisces
    And it's technically not "of the movies" but rather "for the movies", "to the movies".
    You are trying to judge about the properties of Russian phrases using their English translations. This is wrong because different languages use different concepts to express tha same meaning.

    tohca, you seem to see a Russian grammar rule and then assume it's wrong because it doesn't exactly correspond to the English equivalent.
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  9. #9
    Старший оракул tohca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Quote Originally Posted by pisces
    And it's technically not "of the movies" but rather "for the movies", "to the movies".
    You are trying to judge about the properties of Russian phrases using their English translations. This is wrong because different languages use different concepts to express tha same meaning.

    tohca, you seem to see a Russian grammar rule and then assume it's wrong because it doesn't exactly correspond to the English equivalent.
    That's true as I am still struggling to understand the cases. You must agree with me that it is rather tough. However, I do believe I am making progress in my understanding with the help of your good self and the others on this forum. Though very slowly.......

    I hope you do not mind my posting some apparently obvious questions in order to see if my understanding is correct. I hope you can be patient with me. I know that if I persist in my studies, one day I can really говорю по-русски. And until then, thanks for your understanding and patience.
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