Is there any general rule when we use capital letters in Russian???
Is there any general rule when we use capital letters in Russian???
Beginning of a sentence and proper names.
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
... and some abbreviations like КПК, ВЛКСМ.Originally Posted by Оля
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Sometimes capital letters are used to show the importance. For example, Любовь - not simple love, such as "Oh, I love sooo much", but the highest Love, like the one to all the humanity.
No matter, what thou wouldst or wouldst like to do - the matter is what thou dost and what thou have done. History knowth not subjunctive mood.
[/quote:1rg5krbz]Beginning of a sentence and proper names.
[quote:1rg5krbz]... and some abbreviations like КПК, ВЛКСМ.
... and some more words like Вы (formal you), Вселенная (the Universe), Интернет (the Internet), Бог (the God)...
English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.
So, the bottom line, you use capitals in Russian almost the same was as in English, except for:
1. Not in the titles as in: "Scientists See Water Ice In Fresh Meteorite Craters On Mars."
2. Not for the language-related nous as in: "Russian language comes natural for Russians."
3. Not for the months as in: "The hottest summer months are July and August."
But not in я (as English "I")...Originally Posted by delog
These are proper names.Originally Posted by delog
4) Not for the days of weeks like: "yesterday was Wednesday and today is Monday"Originally Posted by Crocodile
5) Not in the titles of people when used with their names or in place of their names like "My boss is Mister Smith."
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше? Russian a capital letter is not used:
- for the pronouns, except "Вы" ("вы" also exists and there is a difference in using "вы" and "Вы"):
я, ты, он, она, оно, мы, они, вы, Вы
- for days of the week and months:
понедельник, вторник, август, март
- for people's titles:
фильм «Мистер и миссис Смит», профессор Хиггинс, доктор Хаус
- for nationalities, citizenship, languages etc (and for words that are derived from them):
немец, фламандка, древнегреческий, английский язык, славянская письменность, российское гражданство, латинский шрифт
In titles a capital letter is used only in the first word:
пьеса Чехова «Вишнёвый сад»
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У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (
... and tomorrow will be FridayOriginally Posted by it-ogo
А разве proper names переводится не как "имена собственные"? Бог - это ведь не имя и не название.Originally Posted by it-ogo
English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.
Неее... "Вчера была среда, сегодня - понедельник, а я опять стою без дела и без денег, но на челе моем сомнения ни тени..."Originally Posted by delog
Ну, если предполагается, что это совершенно конкретный и единственный в своем роде Бог, то - имя собственное, потому и с большой. А если это профессия такая вообще, то тогда с маленькой пишут.Originally Posted by delog
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
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