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Thread: Adjectives

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Would you explain me a difference between these words? How would you arrange them? Which of them are the most beatiful and which ones the least?

    Are they all used for things, animals and persons?


  2. #2
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Let me introduce some shortcuts:
    T- things,
    P - pets,
    C - children,
    W - women,
    M - men.

    IMHO, from most beautiful to least (typical objects to which every word applies are in parenthesis):

    Шикарный (TPW) - was invented for very nice AND very expensive things, I think. This very word (in its adverb form "Шикарно") was chosen for Eric Cartman's "Awesome!" in Russian version of South Park.

    Восхитительный (TPCW)

    Великолепный (TPM) =Замечательный (TCM)

    Отличный (TP)

    прикольный (TPCWM) - slang, it's not about to say that something is better than good, it's more like 'how interesting!'
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  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    Шикарный (TPW) - was invented for very nice AND very expensive things, I think. This very word (in its adverb form "Шикарно") was chosen for Eric Cartman's "Awesome!" in Russian version of South Park.

    Восхитительный (TPCW)

    Великолепный (TPM) =Замечательный (TCM)

    Отличный (TP)

    прикольный (TPCWM) - slang, it's not about to say that something is better than good, it's more like 'how interesting!'
    A few remarks about etymology:

    I confirmed on Викисловарь that шикарный ultimately comes from the French word "chic" (which some English speakers incorrectly pronounce as though it meant цыплёнок).

    And the noun прикол can have the abstract meaning of "practical joke" (or more generally "something interesting and entertaining"), but the original concrete meaning was "a vertical post (to which you can tie a boat, or a horse, etc."

    Also, the verb root -хит- in восхитительный corresponds pretty closely to Latin rapere, "to seize, carry away." (For instance, похищение = "an abduction, a kidnapping")
    So "enrapturing" would be a fairly literal English translation.
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  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee View Post
    And the noun прикол can have the abstract meaning of "practical joke" (or more generally "something interesting and entertaining"), but the original concrete meaning was "a vertical post (to which you can tie a boat, or a horse, etc."
    I'm pretty sure that прикол comes from a word колоть (to pierce/stab)

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