No doubt here my problem is not giving an accurate translation to затем.
The matter is about the ИК-1
"During the work on enuntiative sentence one must pay attention to assimilation of tonal contour of IC-1 what caracterizes the communication in a neutral style of speech, the roll of intonation center, the link in pronounciation, the weakness of intensity of tone in poststressed part of phrase." and follows:
"Затем следует тренировка в определении места интонационного центра предложений в связном тексте, дается представление об употреблении других типов ИК в повествовательного предложении. "
What I translate (in special English) as:
And then on must get a training on determining the place of intonation center of phrases in linked speech,
(an so) one gets (??) an idea about the use on different types of IC in enunciative phrases.
My translation doesn't give a good link between the two phrases of composed sentence.
Can you make clear it for me? Thanks.