What is the difference between "кошка" and "кот"? Are they synonyms, or are there times when one is correct and the other is not?
What is the difference between "кошка" and "кот"? Are they synonyms, or are there times when one is correct and the other is not?
Learning Russian through self-study since 12th March, 2010. Current progress: On New Penguin Russian Course lesson 7.
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кошка is 'she' while кот is 'he'
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"кот" is he-cat
"кошка" is she-cat or any cat (with unknown or non-specified gender)
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
Thank you. I will try and make a sentence to test my understanding, but at the moment I'm having terrible difficulty with the cases.
I am trying to say:
I have a cat. Her name is Sophie.
У меня есть кошка. Её зовут Софи.
У [By] меня [me (genitive)] есть [exists] [a] кошка [cat, female or of unknown gender]. Её [her (accusative)] зовут [(they) call] Софи [Sophie].
But if she was called Garik this would be:
У меня есть кот. Его зовут Гарик.
Is this correct?
Learning Russian through self-study since 12th March, 2010. Current progress: On New Penguin Russian Course lesson 7.
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It's perfect.Originally Posted by Pretty Butterfly
Awesome!Of course, it took me about half an hour to write that, because I had to look everything up and think long and hard about what verb endings and pronouns to use.
Thanks for your help. I hope one day I will be able to help others with their language skills, too.
Learning Russian through self-study since 12th March, 2010. Current progress: On New Penguin Russian Course lesson 7.
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