1. When a kid is very naughty we usually say - He is a small devil. Какое ласкательное слово дьявол? дьяволчик
2. "I cannot find anyone in that company with the minimum rate of IQ required for a proper discussion to resolve my problem. Are they all idiots?!? " - For a reason the most accurate translation in my brain is инвалиды and no идиоты! What is for you russians the most accurate translation?
3. Donald Trump represents a new trend of american conservatism - он представляет себя
4. Spartan's persistence to continue fighting even if they knew that they would die symbolizes the unfettered nature of man who can never compromise with deprivation of his freedom and can never tolerate injustice. - представляет себя?
5. Red Cross symbolizes hope! - представляет себя?
символизировать cannot be used in the case of 3., 4. and 5. ?
6. he is a "pain in the ass" - надоедливый человек (google translate it as pain in the neck?!?)
7. I am an amateur musician? - непрофессиональный?
8. What is the diffence btw шутить и шутиться? - If I want to say: "You shouldn't be insulted I am just joking" - ... Я просто шучу!