To interpret certain writers to foreigners is quite a challenge. There are authors out there whom ('whom' sounds more
elegant than 'who') you can translate word for word and the translation does not lose anything. In fact very often it
seems to be better than the original. On the other hand, there are writers who play with words, use obsolete vocabulary
and nonstandard grammar (Chekhov is one of them. Solzhenitsyn is another example).
To fully grasp the meaning of the quoted excerpt you have to bear in mind the fact that Anton Pavlovich had a
well known penchant for pretty young girls and good champagne. What he was trying to say in his own inimitable way
was that the girl was nice and her beautiful hair was quite an asset. Correct me if I am right, but there must be a
medical term for this sort of infatuation with the female capital growth.