Maybe you should go to the Moscow Mosque(I like that name ) and ask if they have any free Russian Qur'aans. The mosque in my town was handing them out like crazy the other day at the international students expo. Lemme see if I remember the 5 pillars in Arabic correctly...mmm...

Lindzi, have you ever read the Qur'aan in the original Arabic? If so, you would know it is impossibile to preserve the grace of the original in translation to any language. In addition to that I would say the grace of it is really impossibile for any non-native Arabic speaker to understand(unless they live and speak it for decades)

Since in English they're just direct translation and sometimes differ depending on how they were translated, I would assume you'd translate them directly into Russian too.

About praying for somebody or something, there is probably some exact form for it. However I think this is one of those cases where "for" might nt be able to be directly translated. I would guess that something like this would work too:
Я молюсь, чтобы она выздоровела.
Я молюсь, чтобы Бог разрушил Дизни-Лэнд(по словам Джэрри Фэлуэлл)