Man somehow I've been missing out on my own topic. Last time I read this it was only 1 there is all sorts of heated controversy.

Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
Thanks, joysof. I needed that.

@kristina: When have Christians been persecuted? Only during Roman times and under communism. .
Sorry but you just arn't looking aorund you. Even today thousands of Christian everyday are killed merely for believing in Christ. My pastor, every year, smuggles bibles to an underground church. The church has to meet in secret for fear of imprissonment. Every year when my pastor goes back he hears of people being caught and tourtured etc. He himself has almost ben caught and imprissoned.
As for Karina, I do appreciate your phrases that you have posted, BUT if people are becomming enraged by them you should stop. Unless of course your goal IS to make people angry.