Um guys, aren't we really digressing here? For one thing, (I'm talking to the professed Christians here) why are you picking a fight like this? I hate to break the news to you, but this isn't what Jesus would have done, and if we are supposed to be Christians, we are supposed to be examples of his love. Nobody here, as far as I have read, has put down Jesus, or really any of our beliefs, but you guys are still trying to prove a point. Who is going to want to be like us if this is the way we are going to act? This forum was created to learn Russian, not to discuss's great that you all want to stand up for your faith, as do I, but not once has anyone put down our Lord. If it's anyone, we are doing the more damage by making ourselves look like a bunch, of, well, fools. Get mad at me, don't talk to me ever again, but I think that if we want others to see things from our point of view, this is NOT the way to do it. Sorry if I offend you guys, but please look at what your doing and why. Please.....