Its ok, I wrote it knowing it would be deleted. I'm glad atleast you read it Pravit, and whoever deleted it must have as well. I am not angry, see . I also do not feel persecuted. I just wanted to state that millions are persecuted all over the world, and were in Russia at some point as well if I must mention Russia to stay on topic, just for stating what they beleive in. The comments I made weren't directed toward anything you said, Pravit, my friend . It was just a general statment I was trying to make.

Delete this if you will, but it has everything to do with Russia, and If I may stay even more on topic, will someone please translate it for me.:

I am on this forum trying to learn Russian and talk about Russia. Also, I like this forum because it is informative. Another thing about me, I am a beleiver in God, and I pray to Jesus. My boyfriend came here from Russia a non-beleiver. His entire Russian family whom he is close to is athiest, yet before I ever met him, he miraculously, on his own, came to know the Lord.