EDIT: Russkayalove's post above me mysteriously disappeared. Maybe this is the admin's or her own doing...

Friend, perhaps you should read our posts more carefully before you launch into how you're all persecuted and such(we have heard it many times before). I am sure we all believe everyone should have a right to believe in what they want to and many of us would fight for your right to do so. The point was that it is inappropriate to spread your beliefs on an internet forum for the study of the Russian language.

As for "Fanatics", noone mentioned them. In my post earlier on, I defined what I believe a "fanatic" should be. I don't know why you say we are fanatic atheists. Have any of us spouted such messages as "There IS no GOD! We have PEACE that we DO NOT believe in GOD! We have PEACE that we DO NOT believe in a GOD who allows such suffering according to HIS WILL!" No. We keep it to ourselves.

I find it strange you think we are getting angry, since it seems only the Christians here are getting angry. Karina just sorted through all of Mike's 1000 posts to find 2 off-topic ones and it seemed like she was getting quite angry. You wrote us a page-long tirade on Christians being persecuted and atheist fanatics. If anyone seems angry here, it is you Christians. As for Dogboy, well, he likes to babble incoherently a lot, but I don't think he's angry.