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Thread: Video about Coffee

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    Video about Coffee

    First off I want to say this guy speaks really nice Russian.
    It's a video that popped up in my facebook feed. From what I can tell, it's a Russian professor talking about the effects of coffee. (My GUESS is he believes it's negative?)
    I'm extremely interested in what it is he's saying. I don't understand very much at all of what he's saying, but I think that's just because he's speaking fast, and I think he's getting technical.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    He presents some very controversial claims
    1. He claims that caffeine is located on the outside shell/layer of a coffee bean but the inside of a coffee bean contains theobromine. But he fails to mention quantity of both.
    2. He claims that caffeine from a cup of coffee starts acting immediately after you drink coffee and effect of it lasts for about 25 minutes. After 25 minutes theobromine kicks in and makes you sleepy.
    3. He claims that if a coffee bean is to be converted into instant coffee then none of outside shell of the bean would be there because it is used in other production, like medicine and energizing drinks thus he claims that instant coffee (quite popular in Russia) has no caffeine but lots of theobromine which kind of defeats the purpose. He fails to present any proof of his words. He also draws conclusions that road accidents rate that involves trucks directly related to drivers drinking instant coffee, no proof or even reference data has been presented.
    4. He also says if you need to wake up better to drink tea because it does not have theobromine effect which I find hard to believe because tea does have theobromine and AFAIK tea has twice less caffeine in it then coffee.

    I personally think that such radical ideas should not be thrown to students, at least not with zero proof presented.
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Суть вкраце:

    1. Кофеин содержится во внешней оболочке кофейного зерна, теобрамин содержится внутри зерна.
    2. Кофеин расширяет сосуды и бодрит. Действует в течение 20-25 минут.
    3. Теобрамин сужает сосуды и клонит в сон. Действует после 25-ти минут, примерно в течение одного часа.
    4. Молотый кофе (цельнозерновой) кофе содержит и кофеин, и теобрамин, поэтому сначала он бодрит, а затем клонит в сон.
    5. Растворимый (гранулированный) кофе сделан из внутренностей зерна, но не из оболочки, поэтому он не содержит кофеина. Такой кофе не бодрит.
    6. Не рекомендуется пить кофе перед дорогой, чтобы не уснуть за рулём.
    7. Чайный лист совсем не содержит теобрамина, но содержит кофеин. Поэтому чтобы взбодриться, лучше всего выпить крепкого чаю.
    8. Растворимый кофе следует пить вечером перед сном для улучшения сна.
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  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedFox View Post
    Суть вкраце:

    2. Кофеин расширяет сосуды
    3. Теобрамин сужает сосуды

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