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Thread: Translation help for adopted child-2

  1. #1
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    Translation help for adopted child-2

    Hi- A month or so ago, the friendly community here helped us transaate a note for our new son from Taldy Korgan in Kazakhstan. We are planning on travel in February and March, and we would like to write these questions in a book for the caregiver's to answer. We really appreciate any assistance in translating the following thanks!


    Question’s for Madi’s Caregivers

    1. Do you know anything about his birth parents?

    2. Do you have anything from his birth family?

    3. Do you know if he has any other brothers or sisters?

    4. Do you know why he was released for adoption?

    5. What are his caregiver’s names and addresses?

    6. What are his doctor’s names and addresses?

    7. What is his personality like?

    8. What is his sleep routine and habits?

    9. Is he allergic to any food or medicine?

    10. How has he developed- age that he walked, when he started talking?

    11. Does he have problems with separation anxiety?

    12. Who are his favorite friends and how do they play?

    13. How does he play with other children?

    14. Does he prefer to play with others or by himself?

    15. What are his favorite toys and activities?

    16. Does he have any special talents?

    17. What does he like to eat and drink?

    18. What is his eating schedule?

    19. How does he like to be comforted when he’s sick or hurt?

    20. Does he like to be held or left alone?

    21. What are some of his typical reasons for crying or getting upset?

    22. Does he have any fears or problems that you are concerned about?

    23. Can we get a copy of his file?

    24. Do you have any other stories that you can share?

  2. #2
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Dec 2003
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    1. Do you know anything about his birth parents?
    Известно ли что-нибудь о его биологических родителях?
    2. Do you have anything from his birth family?
    Есть ли что-нибудь от его родной семьи?
    3. Do you know if he has any other brothers or sisters?
    Известно ли, есть ли у него еще братья или сестры?
    4. Do you know why he was released for adoption?
    Известно ли, почему разрешили его усыновление?
    5. What are his caregiver’s names and addresses?
    Каковы адрес и имя его опекуна?
    6. What are his doctor’s names and addresses?
    Каковы адес и имя его врача?
    7. What is his personality like?
    Какой у него характер?
    8. What is his sleep routine and habits?
    Каков у него режим сна?
    9. Is he allergic to any food or medicine?
    Есть ли у него алергия на какие-либо продукты/лекарства?
    10. How has he developed- age that he walked, when he started talking?
    Как он развивался: в каком возрасте научился ходить, разговаривать?
    11. Does he have problems with separation anxiety?
    Боится ли он разлуки?
    12. Who are his favorite friends and how do they play?
    Кто его лучшие друзья и как они играют?
    13. How does he play with other children?
    Как он играет с другими детьми?
    14. Does he prefer to play with others or by himself?
    Он предпочитает играть в одиночестве или с другими детьми?
    15. What are his favorite toys and activities?
    Каковы его любимые игрушки и занятия?
    16. Does he have any special talents?
    Есть ли у него какие-либо таланты (способности)?
    17. What does he like to eat and drink?
    Каковы его любимые блюда и напитки?
    18. What is his eating schedule?
    Каков его режим питания?
    19. How does he like to be comforted when he’s sick or hurt?
    Как ему нравится, чтобы его успокаивали, когда он болеет или плачет?
    20. Does he like to be held or left alone?
    Ему нравится, чтобы его держали на руках или давали играть самому?
    21. What are some of his typical reasons for crying or getting upset?
    Из-за чего он обычно плачет или расстраивается?
    22. Does he have any fears or problems that you are concerned about?
    Есть ли у него какие-либо проблемы или страхи, на которые стоит обратить внимание?
    23. Can we get a copy of his file?
    Можно ли получить копию его досье/личного дела?
    24. Do you have any other stories that you can share?
    Считаете ли вы необходимым поделиться еще какой-нибудь информацией?
    Будьте здоровы!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
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    Brilliant! Thank you so much for your help!

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