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Thread: Translation from English to Russian

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Translation from English to Russian

    Thanks in advance. Keep simple and please highlight accented vowels.

    Throw it(command) - as in throw a ball
    stomache ache
    have fun (talking to a kid)
    don't hit (and how would you pronounce the russian word?)
    light - as in not heavy and how would you pronounce it
    Miss, Mrs., Mr.
    move(command) referring to a person and an object
    practice it
    pull it - pull an object, is this different than the pull used on doors?
    push it ""
    hold this
    return - I will return soon and asking someone to return an object
    don't scream
    smile - what you would say when taking a picture
    stand up - and stand up staight (no slouching)
    Tattle tale - as in don't be one
    swimming - do you know how to swim? do you know how to tread water?
    Time to get out of the water. You can go back later. No diving. No splashing. Put your bathing suit, swimming trunks on.
    I am calling (phone) the translator. Please speak with her.

    Thanks again!
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  2. #2
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    I am calling (phone) the translator. Please speak with her. - Я звоню переводчику. Пожалуйста, поговори(те) с ней.

    To translate the rest into Russian, you need more more more context.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  3. #3
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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Throw it(command) - as in throw a ball
    Бросай!; Кидай!

    stomache ache
    Боль в животе; Живот болит

    have fun (talking to a kid)
    Иди играй!

    don't hit (and how would you pronounce the russian word?)
    Не бей [ne bey]

    light - as in not heavy and how would you pronounce it
    Легкий [lyohkiy]

    Miss, Mrs., Mr.
    Мисс, Миссис, Мистер

    move(command) referring to a person and an object
    Шевелись! to a person
    Подвинь(те); Передвинь(те) to an object

    practice it
    Попрактикуйся; Потренеруйся

    pull it - pull an object, is this different than the pull used on doors?
    yes, on doors you would likely see the "На себя" note.

    push it ""
    Толкни; Толкай
    on doors you would likely see the "От себя" note.

    hold this
    (По)держи это

    вернусь; возвращусь - as in "I will return soon"
    верни; возврати; отдай - asking someone to return an object

    don't scream
    Не кричи!

    smile - what you would say when taking a picture
    Улыбнись!; Улыбнитесь!; Улыбайся!; Улыбайтесь!
    Улыбочку! (used only when taking a picture) however I often hear Russians say: СЫР as you use it in "Cheese".

    stand up - and stand up staight (no slouching)
    Стой!; Стой смирно!

    Tattle tale - as in don't be one
    Не сплетничай!

    swimming - плаванье
    do you know how to swim? - Ты умеешь (вы умеете) плавать?
    do you know how to tread water? - Ты умеешь (вы умеете) держаться на воде?
    Time to get out of the water. - Пора выходить из воды.
    You can go back later. - Ты можешь (вы можете) потом опять прийти.
    No diving. No splashing. - Не нырять! Не плескаться!
    Put your bathing suit, swimming trunks on. - Надень (наденьте) купальник, плавки.


    In many cases you need more more more context as Оля said.
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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by ambi
    Miss, Mrs., Mr.
    Мисс, Миссиз, Мистер
    С каких это пор слово "миссис" превратилось в "миссиз"?
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  5. #5
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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    С каких это пор слово "миссис" превратилось в "миссиз"?
    Инглиш вылез
    Если не мы (люди), кто же еще исправит?
    Спасибо, миссис Оля, конечно, или мисс?
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  6. #6
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    Nice job, Ambi.
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  7. #7
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by ambi
    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    С каких это пор слово "миссис" превратилось в "миссиз"?
    Инглиш вылез
    Если не мы (люди), кто же еще исправит?
    Спасибо, миссис Оля, конечно, или мисс?
    Возможно, перед гласной "o" слово "миссис" все-таки превратится в "миссиз", поэтому "миссиз Оля" будет более грамотно.
    Для пресечения путаницы предлагаю самый удобоваримый вариант: "миз Оля" (Ms. Оля).

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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by zakuski
    avy and how would you pronounce it
    Miss, Mrs., Mr.
    Ambi was absolutely correct to translate

    Miss, Mrs., Mr.


    Мисс, Миссис, Мистер

    However, please note that you can't address a Russian person with that prefix.

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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Возможно, перед гласной "o" слово "миссис" все-таки превратится в "миссиз", поэтому "миссиз Оля" будет более грамотно.
    Ты правда произносишь [мисси-з-оля, ми-з-оля]? У меня эти согласные все равно оглушаются.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Ambi was absolutely correct to translate

    Miss, Mrs., Mr.


    Мисс, Миссис, Мистер
    He wrote "миссиз" first.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  10. #10
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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Ты правда произносишь [мисси-з-оля, ми-з-оля]? У меня эти согласные все равно оглушаются.
    Да, правда. Так само собой получается, если просто говорить слитно. Точно так же, как и "an old man" вместо "a old man."

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    He wrote "миссиз" first.
    The more important point is that Ambi corrected herself later on. (Ambi, am I correct with the gender?)

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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Ты правда произносишь [мисси-з-оля, ми-з-оля]? У меня эти согласные все равно оглушаются.
    Да, правда. Так само собой получается, если просто говорить слитно. Точно так же, как и "an old man" вместо "a old man."
    An old - это не тот же случай.
    Я такое произношение (когда согласные на конце слова не оглушаются, сливаясь со следующим словом, начинающимся с согласной) замечала только у людей с юга (из Ростова, Владикавказа например...).
    Но миз-Оля или миссиз-Оля - это не "более грамотно". Это просто южное произношение. От диктора новостей по Первому каналу ты такого не услышишь.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    The more important point is that Ambi corrected herself later on.
    Ambi did it after my post, so he didn't did it himself :P
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #12
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    И вообще, Crocodile , что ты меня путаешь??

    Как это "миз / миссиз Оля" может быть "грамотным" и произноситься ТАК, если слово оканчивается на ГЛУХУЮ согласную даже на письме? Если бы слово писалось "миз / миссиз", тогда бы да, так можно было бы произнести - на юге (наверное...). Но слово-то даже пишется мисс / миссис, так о каком "з" тут может идти речь?
    Это у вас, товарищи, мозги конкретно под английский перезаточились.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    И вообще, Crocodile , что ты меня путаешь??

    Как это "миз / миссиз Оля" может быть "грамотным" и произноситься ТАК, если слово оканчивается на ГЛУХУЮ согласную даже на письме? Если бы слово писалось "миз / миссиз", тогда бы да, так можно было бы произнести - на юге (наверное...). Но слово-то даже пишется мисс / миссис, так о каком "з" тут может идти речь?
    Это у вас, товарищи, мозги конкретно под английский перезаточились.
    There are two different things here and let's not mix them together:

    1. "Ms." is pronounced as миз [miz] regardless of anything subsequent, just because that is a right thing to do:

    2. "Miss." or "Mrs." are regularly pronounced as мисс and миссис, but whenever the following name starts from a consonant, the [mis] would sound closer to [miz] just because it's natural for a human tongue. Compare with the standard Russian practice that does the same thing:


    The main difference between that and "Miss" is that "Miss" would only experience that distinction in speech, whilst the former would also have the distinction in writing. And that was the same context in which I brought my previous comment on "an old man" -- definitely not the same thing as "Miss," but something obvious to realize the simple rule of human enunciation - make your speech flow.

    So, the important thing is not that "Miss" would end in "s" but that your name starts with "O."

  14. #14
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Я такое произношение (когда согласные на конце слова не оглушаются, сливаясь со следующим словом, начинающимся с согласной) замечала только у людей с юга (из Ростова, Владикавказа например...).
    Please provide a link to justify your claim. Or at least give an obvious example to support it. I was born in Moscow and so I can hardly understand what you refer to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    От диктора новостей по Первому каналу ты такого не услышишь.
    From the first channel of what? The BBC? The CNN? Or you're trying to say that the news from Russian Первый Канал would refer to anyone as "Мисис Оля?" I can assure you that the most you could get from Первый Канал would be "Госпожа Оля."

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    There are two different things here and let's not mix them together:
    Crocodile, I can't get what are you talking about. What "Ms.", "Miss" and "Mrs" in Russian language? In Russian, there are only мисс and миссис which are pronounced [мис] and [мисис] only! There is no any з in those Russian words!

    But it seems that you are really talking about the English words. But the discussion was started because of the Ambi's mistake (or typo) in the Russian word, so I don't know why are you talking about the English pronunciation.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  16. #16
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    Re: Translation from English to Russian

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    The more important point is that Ambi corrected herself later on. (Ambi, am I correct with the gender?)
    No, I'm a MAN
    Ребят, че вы спорите? Оля указала - я исправил. Конечно же миссис и пишется и говорится по-русски.
    "The only thing necessary for the success of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

  17. #17
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Я слышал, что американские нэйтивы повсеместно говорят "з" там, где английские - "с".

  18. #18
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    ... so I don't know why are you talking about the English pronunciation.
    Because that was a joke!!!!!!

    Ambi, my sincere apologies.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    И вообще, Crocodile , что ты меня путаешь??

    Как это "миз / миссиз Оля" может быть "грамотным" и произноситься ТАК, если слово оканчивается на ГЛУХУЮ согласную даже на письме? Если бы слово писалось "миз / миссиз", тогда бы да, так можно было бы произнести - на юге (наверное...). Но слово-то даже пишется мисс / миссис, так о каком "з" тут может идти речь?
    Это у вас, товарищи, мозги конкретно под английский перезаточились.
    There are two different things here and let's not mix them together:

    1. "Ms." is pronounced as миз [miz] regardless of anything subsequent, just because that is a right thing to do:

    2. "Miss." or "Mrs." are regularly pronounced as мисс and миссис, but whenever the following name starts from a consonant, the [mis] would sound closer to [miz] just because it's natural for a human tongue. Compare with the standard Russian practice that does the same thing:


    The main difference between that and "Miss" is that "Miss" would only experience that distinction in speech, whilst the former would also have the distinction in writing. And that was the same context in which I brought my previous comment on "an old man" -- definitely not the same thing as "Miss," but something obvious to realize the simple rule of human enunciation - make your speech flow.

    So, the important thing is not that "Miss" would end in "s" but that your name starts with "O."
    Mrs. is "missiz" (with a Z sound, not as S sound at the end), regardless of what letter the following name begins with.
    This says:
    Mrs. Audio Help /ˈmɪsɪz, ˈmɪzɪz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mis-iz, miz-iz]
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    In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!

  20. #20
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Thanks Ambi

    Ambi - thank you for your translation. You were a tremendous help. I didn't mean to start a chain of events for Mr. Miss and Mrs.
    What would you tell a russian child visiting in the US when you introduce them to an adult? For example - This is Mrs. Smith. Would you do the same thing for a Russian adult meeting an American adult?
    "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a person perfected without trials."

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