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Оля И вообще, Crocodile , что ты меня путаешь??
Как это "ми
з / мисси
з Оля" может быть "грамотным" и произноситься ТАК, если слово оканчивается на ГЛУХУЮ согласную даже на письме? Если бы слово писалось "миз / миссиз", тогда бы да, так можно было бы произнести - на юге (наверное...). Но слово-то даже пишется мисс / миссис, так о каком "з" тут может идти речь?
Это у вас, товарищи, мозги конкретно под английский перезаточились.
There are two different things here and let's not mix them together:
1. "Ms." is pronounced as ми
з [miz] regardless of anything subsequent, just because that is a right thing to do:
2. "Miss." or "Mrs." are regularly pronounced as ми
сс and мисси
с, but whenever the following name starts from a consonant, the [mis] would sound closer to [miz] just because it's natural for a human tongue. Compare with the standard Russian practice that does the same thing:
The main difference between that and "Miss" is that "Miss" would only experience that distinction in speech, whilst the former would also have the distinction in writing. And that was the same context in which I brought my previous comment on "an old man" -- definitely not the same thing as "Miss," but something obvious to realize the simple rule of human enunciation - make your speech flow.
So, the important thing is not that "Miss" would end in "s" but that your name starts with "O."