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Thread: Internet Help/Translation

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    Sep 2006
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    Internet Help/Translation

    I will be travelling sometime in March/April timeframe again to the Ukraine.

    So with that said, since I work from home, home can be anywhere as long as I have a stable internet connection.
    So I was wondering if you kind folks could help me with this.

    For translation: Between the Asteriks ***

    ************************************************** ****
    This is what I need at a minimum:

    1. Unlimited Bandwidth
    If it cannot be unlimited that is fine, but I need high bandwidth.

    2. Stable Download Speed of 256K
    Cannot be inconsistent and drop below 256K

    3. Stable Upload Speed of 256K
    Cannot be inconsistent and drop below 256K

    I will be using it for VOIP ( Voice-Over-Internet Protocol)

    ************************************************** ****

    So if someone that knows Internet/computers can translate that for me it would be great.
    I will use this to send go to the internet carriers to ask them if they have this available and at what costs.
    I just dont know if they use Upload/Download speeds(in Russian) or what words they use.

    Here is a website as well, if someone wants read through it and tell me if they have it available or not.

    And if anyone knows of a website that tests the upload/download speeds in the Ukraine that would be nice too.
    We have several in the US to validate the speeds.
    Thanks in Advance,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
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    Their 256k service appears to be 1825hrv.

    At present, $1 ~= 5hrv.

    So be prepared to pay $350+/mo... twice that for 512k.
    Corrupting young minds since May 6, 2004.

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