За нами гонится эскадра по пятам
По диким степям Забайкалья,
Где золото роют в горах,
Бродяга, судьюу проклиная,
Тащился с сумой на плечах.
За нами гонится эскадра по пятам
По диким степям Забайкалья,
Где золото роют в горах,
Бродяга, судьюу проклиная,
Тащился с сумой на плечах.
Ok, I'm not a poet, so it's the best I could do:
The squadron is at our heels
In the wild steppes of Transbaikalia,
Where gold is mined from the mountains
A wanderer, cursing his doom,
Is dragging his feet, with a bag on his back.
PS.Бродяга, судьбу проклиная,
What does "The squadron is at our heels" mean ? Is it an idiom ?Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
What squardron, execution squadron ?
It's a military term and most likely it's literal. In Russian there's a difference between "эскадра", "эскадрилья" and "эскадрон" (which all are translated in English as "squardron").Originally Posted by Johnroman
"Эскадра" is a bunch of battle ships, "эскадрилья" refers to aircrafts, and "эскадрон" refers to ground troops (cavalry, for example).
So here it means that some battle ships are pursuing them (chasing them). It's a see battle or something like that, unless it's some refined metaphor (like "squardron of clouds", meaning they are moving fast and arranged in some order)
The term "эскадрон" is outdated since there is no cavalry anymore. "Эскадра" and "эскадрилья" are still in use.
PS. What is an "execution squadron"?
sorry, I meant to ask whether it meant a firing squad.Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
sorry, I meant to ask whether it meant a firing squad.Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
1. Эскадра is a fleet of ships. (larger than a flotilla but smaller than armada)Originally Posted by Johnroman
This refers to someone on a ship being pursued by the large group of ships.
Across the wild steppes of Transbaikallia
Where gold is mined in mountains
A vagabond cursing at his fate
Has dragged once with a bag on his back.
Send me a PM if you need me.
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