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Thread: In the park

  1. #1
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    In the park

    This week I'm looking at things in the park and other places outdoors. Please help me with my vocabulary.

    Are these right?
    Качели - Swing
    Грабли - Rake
    Лестница - Ladder
    Скамейка - Bench
    Озеро - Lake
    Мост - Bridge
    Велосипед - Bicycle (is there a shorter word like in English? Bike)
    Лопата - Shovel
    Подъезд - Driveway
    Трава - Grass
    Шланг - Water hose
    Холм - Hill

    I don't know which one fits best
    Rock - Камень, Утёс, Скала

    Words I cannot find
    Shed (a small building behind one's house to store tools)
    Lawn mower
    Seesaw (a playground ride that oscillates)
    Roller skates / blades
    Slide (a playground ride on which one slides down)

    Some weather vocabulary
    It's cloudy - Облачно
    It was raining - Шёл дождь or Был, шёл дождь
    There was a storm - Была гроза
    It's chilly - Прохладно
    The sun's shining - Солнце светит or Светит солнце
    It's lightening - Молния сверкает
    It's thundering - Гремит гром or Гром гремит

    Animacy Crisis
    I know that that the word for animal is животное, so is it declined as animate or inanimate? Animals are animate, but the word for it is neuter.
    I love my animal - Я люблю моё животное or Я люблю моего животного

    Thanks in advance!!!
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  2. #2
    JJ is offline
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    Re: In the park

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    Велосипед - Bicycle (is there a shorter word like in English? Bike)
    Велик (е is stressed)
    I don't know which one fits best
    Rock - Камень, Утёс, Скала
    камень -
    утёс -
    скала -

    Words I cannot find
    Shed - сарай
    Fence - забор, изгородь
    Lawn mower - газонокосилка
    Sidewalk - тротуар, дорожка
    Seesaw - качели
    Roller skates / blades - роликовые коньки, ролики
    Slide - горка

    Some weather vocabulary
    It was raining - Шёл дождь или Был дождь
    It's lightening - Сверкают молнии (plural)
    Animacy Crisis
    I know that that the word for animal is животное, so is it declined as animate or inanimate? Animals are animate, but the word for it is neuter.
    I love my animal - Я люблю моё животное or Я люблю моего животного
    Я люблю моего кота. Я люблю мою собаку. Я люблю крокодилов. Я люблю животных. But noone says Я люблю моё животное - it's hard to get what kind of animals the person likes.
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  3. #3
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    Re: In the park

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    I love my animal - Я люблю моё животное or Я люблю моего животного.
    The rule is simple.
    Я люблю моего кота. "кот" - masculine gender
    Я люблю мою кошку. "кошка" - feminine gender
    Я люблю моё животное. "животное" - neuter
    The pronouns have to be in harmony with nouns.

    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Я люблю моё животное - it's hard to get what kind of animals the person likes.
    Did you mean "what kind of love"?
    "Я люблю моё животное" sounds natural especially when wife say it about husband.
    Я танцую пьяный на столе нума нума е нума нума нума е
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  4. #4
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    Re: In the park

    Quote Originally Posted by BETEP
    "Я люблю моё животное" sounds natural especially when wife say it about husband.
    about her lover is better.
    Gib immer 100% bei der Arbeit: 12% am Montag, 23% am Dienstag, 40% am Mittwoch, 20% am Donnerstag, 5% am Freitag ...

  5. #5
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    Re: In the park

    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    about her lover is better.
    No, no. Lover has to be a kinda "зверь". Hm… but "зверюга" is a husband again. What the hell's with Russian language?
    Я танцую пьяный на столе нума нума е нума нума нума е
    Снова счастье улыбнулось мне нума нума е нума нума нума е

  6. #6
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    Park verbs

    Here are some verbs to go with the nouns from the park. Please look over them and correct them...

    I'm mowing (mowed) the lawn - Я подстригаю (подстриг) газон
    You're roller skating (skated) - Ты катаешься (катался) на роликах
    He's playing (played) soccer - Он играет (сыграл) в футбол
    She's riding (rode) on her bike - Она ездит (поехала) на велике
    It's snowing (snowed) - Идёт (Шёл) снег
    We're having (had) a picnic - Мы устраиваем (устроили) пикник
    You're skateboarding (skateboarded) - Вы катаетесь (катались) на скейтборде
    They're swinging (swung) [in a swing] - Они качаются (does this have perfective? качались) на качелах

    I'm running (ran) - Я бегаю (побежал)
    You're watering (watered) the flowers - Ты поливаешь (полил) цветы водой
    He's planting (planted) a tree - Он сажает (посадил) дерево
    She's trimming (trimmed) the bushes - Она подравнивает (подровняла) кусты
    We're going (went) fishing - Мы уходим (ушли) на рыбалку
    You're going out (went out) - Вы уходите (ушли)
    They're banging (banged) her on the head with a book - Они трахают (трахнули) её на голову со книгой

    Полить in the past tense, is said to have two written accents according to my dictionary. How is that pronounced? It says полил, полила, полило, полили

    How does one say...
    to Walk the dog
    to Ride down the slide
    to Rake the leaves
    There's going to be a storm

    Thanks a lot
    Большое спасибо
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  7. #7
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    Re: Park verbs

    He's playing (played) soccer - Он играет (играл) в футбол
    She's riding (rode) on her bike - Она ездит (ездила) на велике

    They're swinging (swung) [in a swing] - Они качаются (does this have perfective? качались) на качелах - OK

    I'm running (ran) - Я бегаю (бегал)

    You're watering (watered) the flowers - Ты поливаешь (поливал) цветы водой

    He's planting (planted) a tree - Он сажает (сажал) дерево

    She's trimming (trimmed) the bushes - Она подравнивает (подравнивала) кусты

    They're banging (banged) her on the head with a book - Они трахают (трахнули) её на голову со книгой

    Hmm you can say that. But you better not to do so . Because трахать is usually used as euphemism for to So it sounds like you're talking about some kinky group sex session: they her on the head with a book

    So my suggestion is :
    They're banging (banged) her on the head with a book - Они стукают (стукали) её книгой по голове

    Полить in the past tense, is said to have two written accents according to my dictionary. How is that pronounced? It says полил, полила, полило, полили

    => paw-leet'
    => paw-leel
    => paw-leelah
    => paw-leeloh
    => paw-leelee

    How does one say...
    to Walk the dog
    => гулять с собакой/выгуливать собаку

    to Ride down the slide
    => кататься/ездить с [ледяной] горки

    to Rake the leaves
    => убирать/сгребать/грести [граблями] листья

    There's going to be a storm
    => Будет/собирается буря/гроза/ураган [ или шторм ( на море ) ]

  8. #8
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    Those certain verbs I wrote, which you've corrected, are not used in the

    Perfective tense as such? By the way, thanks a lot for all your help.

    Also I thank everone else who has already helped me.

    В эту ночь все огни погасли в Джорджии
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    Re: Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave

    Those certain verbs I wrote, which you've corrected, are not used in the

    Perfective tense as such? ...
    I thought you needed translations for the simple past tense... Sure they do have a совершенная форма too.

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    Re: Park verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    How does one say...
    to Walk the dog
    Just for information: you can also hear "гулять собаку" (Ты где был вчера в 9 вечера? Собаку гулял.) it's probably illiterate but it makes sense.
    There's a well known phrase with the same construction: "Кто за ужин платит, тот и девушку танцует" ( = с девушкой танцует).

  11. #11
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    Re: Park verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by alexei
    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    How does one say...
    to Walk the dog
    Just for information: you can also hear "гулять собаку" (Ты где был вчера в 9 вечера? Собаку гулял.) it's probably illiterate but it makes sense.
    There's a well known phrase with the same construction: "Кто за ужин платит, тот и девушку танцует" ( = с девушкой танцует).
    По моему в оригинале было так:
    Кто девушку ужинает, тот ее и танцует

  12. #12
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    Я думаю, что в оригинале всё таки было "Кто платит, тот и музыку заказывает.".
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

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    Re: Park verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by DenisM
    Quote Originally Posted by alexei
    "Кто за ужин платит, тот и девушку танцует" ( = с девушкой танцует).
    По моему в оригинале было так:
    Кто девушку ужинает, тот ее и танцует
    Наверно да, но говорят оба варианта и я привёл пример попроще :)
    Кстати, не знаешь откуда взялась такая поговорка?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    Я думаю, что в оригинале всё таки было "Кто платит, тот и музыку заказывает.".
    Смысл вобщем-то тот же, насчёт оригинала не знаю.

  14. #14
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    Re: Park verbs

    "whoever pays the piper calls the tune"

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    Re: Park verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by майк
    "whoever pays the piper calls the tune" :lol:
    Exactly! :)
    I've looked it up in a dictionary and it was written there slightly different, with "obvious English construction" ;) - He who pays the piper calls the tune.

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    Re: Park verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by alexei
    ...Кстати, не знаешь откуда взялась такая поговорка? ...
    По-моему анекдот такой был, но что-то его не нагуглить

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